A blog for United As One to use for helpful news, information and resources to help in DC Legends

Breaking News

DC Legends Is Ending

This was just posted on the DC Legends Twitter (X) account: "We've made the difficult decision to close DC Legends. As of today, th...

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

June Game Update

Brace yourself for a month of New Gods as Big Barda and Mister Miracle arrive in DC Legends! Joining them are this month’s reworks: the two godly legends, Ares: God of War and Steppenwolf: General of Apokolips.


Born on Apokolips, Big Barda was recruited for military training at a very young age. She became the best warrior of her generation and thus was appointed as the leader of the Female Furies, the personal guard of Darkseid. During her time leading this group, she met the New Genesian Scott Free, who ended up being key on her redemption and her defection from Apokolips. She later settled on Earth together with Scott, where she joined other superheroes in their fight for justice.

Using the might of the New Gods, Big Barda taunts to redirect all incoming damage to herself, while increasing her health with multiple Stamina Ups and Mends that make her a tough target to kill.


In a last effort to end their war, the leaders of New Genesis and Apokolips traded sons. While Orion was given to the benevolent Highfather, Scott Free ended up in the hands of the God of Evil, Darkseid. Escaping torture at Granny Goodness's orphanage, Scott hid on Earth and took on the mantle of Mister Miracle. He is the greatest escape artist in the universe and uses his advanced technology to fight injustice alongside his wife, Big Barda.

Using advanced alien technology, Mister Miracle can analyze the battlefield to find hidden enemies. His sleight of hand abilities lets him transfer debuffs from his team to the enemies. He can also escape damage and even death.


A God from Greek mythology, Ares is the living personification of warfare, inciting bloodshed with his mere presence. Eternal and immortal, he stirred conflict among mankind for eons until Zeus created the Amazons to stop him and bring peace to the world. Though Ares was defeated, the Amazons remain vigilant lest he returns and brings with him the destruction, strife and eternal chaos of war.


A new god from the alien planet of Apokolips, Steppenwolf leads the military forces of Apokolips' despotic ruler, Darkseid. As a formidable warrior, he is one of the few beings in the universe to survive an encounter with Doomsday. As a general, he commands the military elite of Apokolips in their never-ending war to defeat the world of New Genesis and enslave the entire universe.


Mister Miracle: Scott Free (6/3 - 6/9)
Ares: God of War (6/10 - 6/16)
Steppenwolf: General of Apokolips (6/17 - 6/23)
Big Barda: Greatest Warrior of Apokolips (6/24 - 6/30)


Cyborg: Vic Stone
Sinestro: Yellow Lantern
Cheetah: Avatar of the Hunt
Harley Quinn: Mad Jester
Green Lantern: John Stewart
Hawkgirl: Champion of Thanagar
Solomon Grundy: Born on a Monday
Two-Face: Duke of Duality
Arkkis: Green Lantern of Sector 3014
Jessica Cruz: Green Lantern Co-Defender of Earth
Batman Beyond: Terry McGinnis
Supergirl: Last Daughter of Krypton
Sinestro: White Lantern
Wonder Woman: Defender of Justice
Batgirl: #BatgirlOfBurnside
Red Hood: Vengeful Vigilante
Mr. Freeze: Heart of Ice
Shazam Jr.: Freddy Freeman
Flash: Fastest Man Alive
Green Lantern: Hal Jordan
Ares: God of War
Steppenwolf: General of Apokolips
Jay Garrick: Golden Age Flash
Alan Scott: Keeper of the Starheart
Mister Miracle: Scott Free
Big Barda: Greatest Warrior of Apokolips

The New Characters For June Are...

Big Barda and Mister Miracle are on their way to DC Legends in June!

Monday, May 27, 2019

New Characters: June

Can you guess who these new characters are joining the DC Legends in June?

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Monday, May 20, 2019

Game Update: 1.24 Patch

Here was what was bugs were fixed in the 1.24 game update:

Ocean Master: King Orm

    - Fixed an issue with a defeated Enemy remaining on screen when defeated by his “Orm’s Rage” ability

Scarecrow: Master of Fear

    - Fixed an issue with the display on his Turn Meter not displaying an increase correctly after his “Fear Gas” ability

Flash: Fastest Man Alive

   - Fixed an issue with his “Flashpoint” ability not ignoring Awareness buffs when triggered by his “One Speed” ability

    - Fixed an issue with his “Flashpoint” ability and “One Speed” ability triggering at the same time and transferring Flash’s Awareness to the enemy target


    - Various display and text updates

Sunday, May 19, 2019

PvP Arena: May 20 - May 26

Hal Jordan: Green Lantern, who shields his team and applies stuns, is always a great hero to have on your team! Play the PvP weekly tournament this week to win Green Lantern: Hal Jordan fragments!

Sunday, May 12, 2019

PvP Arena: May 13 - May 19

Use cold calculation to rise in the PvP ranks! Braniac: Collector of Worlds is this week's PvP Tournament reward!


Sunday, May 5, 2019

PvP Arena: May 6 - May 12

Act fast! Play the PvP Wraith Tournament this week to win Flash: Fastest Man Alive fragments!
