A blog for United As One to use for helpful news, information and resources to help in DC Legends

Breaking News

DC Legends Is Ending

This was just posted on the DC Legends Twitter (X) account: "We've made the difficult decision to close DC Legends. As of today, th...

Naomi McDuffie

Naomi McDuffie

Justice League

Naomi is a young fighter, raised ignorant of her powers, and such, she attacks with raw strength and explosive damage focused energy bursts.

Naomi is the only child born to a couple of metahumans from an alternate universe.  She was targeted by a criminal called Zumbado and sent to Earth-0 by her parents to save her life.  In this new planet she was discovered and adopted by the McDuffie family and lived normally until an encounter with Superman awoke doubts about her own origins.

Legendary Order

Team Leader Bonus


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