A blog for United As One to use for helpful news, information and resources to help in DC Legends

Breaking News

DC Legends Is Ending

This was just posted on the DC Legends Twitter (X) account: "We've made the difficult decision to close DC Legends. As of today, th...

Sinestro (White Lantern)

White Lantern


Wields the awesome White Lantern Power of Life.

With an overriding ambition to bring order to the universe, Thaal Sinestro was a respected Green Lantern who abused his power to make himself absolute overlord of his homeworld of Korugar.  Banished for his crimes to the anti-matter universe of Qward, while in exile he managed to forge a Power Ring powered by yellow light of Fear.  Now Sinestro leads his own Lantern Corps dedicated to terrifying the universe into unconditional submission.

Legendary Order:
5, 4, 2, 3, 1

Team Leader Bonus:
Sinestro Revives each teammate once with 20% HP and 12% Turn Meter Up.  50% chance to Revive each teammate a second time.  Sinestro Revives himself once with same amount of HP and Turn Meter Up.  50% chance to Revive a second time.

July 2019

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