A blog for United As One to use for helpful news, information and resources to help in DC Legends

Breaking News

DC Legends Is Ending

This was just posted on the DC Legends Twitter (X) account: "We've made the difficult decision to close DC Legends. As of today, th...


The Light of Compassion


Indigo-1 uses her powers to prevent her enemies from gaining an advantage in combat and helps her teammates by purging negative effects

Indigo-1, previously known as Iroque was a brutal and merciless assassin who murdered the daughter of the Green Lantern, Abin Sur.  When Abin Sur discovered the amazing powers of the indigo light in the world of Nok, he decided to forge the first Indigo Power Ring, and forced Iroque to accept the light of compassion, after this she changed her name to Indigo-1 and became the first member and leader of the Indigo Tribe.

Legendary Order:
4, 2, 5, 3, 1

Team Leader Bonus:


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