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Red Alert Guide by Drax

Many DCL players say, that the Red Alerts are the most difficult and frustrating PvE battles in the game. Why is that so and how are they beatable every day, even without losing a single toon?
Red Alerts is one of the easiest - I even dare to say most boring - modes of the game, if you understand it’s rules and use them effectively to your advantage.
Some quick facts:

  • opposing teams are matched on your strongest four toons (this is the point, where most work needs to be done)
  • no reset on the turn meter of your toons, sadly also no reset on your skills
  • small health refreshes between rounds, shields and overheal carry over, buffs and debuffs won’t
  • defeated toons can’t be used again (you can reset the whole mode for 500 gems, but def. not recommended)
The answer to beat the system is simple - balance and variety. Match four toons out of each affinity with your strongest toons, so you have twelve in total. It doesn’t matter, if we’re talking Gear level 11 or 5 etc, as long as they are even.
Which toons to choose?
As we have currently more than 100 toons to choose from, I can give no definitive answer. The approach here is to set up a team, which is easy to farm or turn up as rewards more often. We need three strong leaders, two to three tanks which use taunt, three toons that can purge and hard (fast ideally) hitters.

  • Leaders: Deadshot Hired Gun (Physical), Green Lantern Hal Jordan (Energy), Zatanna (Mystical)
  • Tanks: Harley Quinn Mad Jester (Physical) or and if you either have her or can get hands on: Power Girl (Energy)
  • Purge: Zatanna, Green Lantern Hal Jordan, Green Arrow Castaway (Physical)
I’ll spare you the rest, as this game has so many characters to choose from, just bring in the big guns. Try what works best for you. Beware: toons that might be strong or even OP in PvP, may not be here and vice versa.
How to choose your battles?

  • save the affinity bonus battles up for later or to avoid certain combos, having them as last battles makes things a lot easier
  • stay away from taunters like HQMJ or Powergirl, if you can’t avoid a taunter, choose the team which will most likely hurt you less
  • same goes for toons with resurrection like Swamp Thing, Atrocitus etc., if you can’t avoid them, defeat them first
  • stay away from toons, which can put themselves under layers of awareness (Donna Troy f.e.), evasion (HQ, Batgirl, Catwoman f.e.) or manipulate your hit chance to your disadvantage (Batman Beyond f.e.), if can’t, defeat them asap.
Basically, try to get the easy battles vs the standard toons. Don’t panic, if one team get’s wiped out, you should have two more to go. Defeat the biggest threats in the current battle first, use slow enemies to your advantage to reduce ability cooldowns before you wipe them.

Last, but not least, my Red Alert champions:


Deadshot opens up the first thread with his 3rd to wipe a Mystic or weaker Physical, which triggers Etrigan and Larfleeze to buff up and one-shot almost everything (Larfleeze’s 3rd - when he is buffed up - vs a beefy Bane is a must see [talking about 200k crits]), Power Girl takes the hits and can clean up whatever is left with her AoE or Deadshot does the dirty work (he instantly get’s 100% on his turn meter after defeating an opponent with his 1st).

All other battles are won by choosing the weakest possible enemy team and following aforementioned steps.

Good luck and have fun!

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