A blog for United As One to use for helpful news, information and resources to help in DC Legends

Breaking News

DC Legends Is Ending

This was just posted on the DC Legends Twitter (X) account: "We've made the difficult decision to close DC Legends. As of today, th...


Jon Kent

Super Sons

A hero-in-training, his super-senses ignore taunt and invisibility while his attacks stun enemies and purge their buffs.

The young son of Superman and Lois Lane, Jon Kent's Kryptonian powers promise to surpass even his father's -- if he can just learn to use them properly.  To safely master his abilities and become a hero, Superman arranges for Jon to train with Damian Wayne, the newest Robin and son of Batman.  As a hero-in-training, Jon shows the sharp mind of his mother, the great heart of his father, and an unshakable commitment to truth and justice.

Legendary Order:
1, 3, 5, 4, 2

Team Leader Bonus:

July 2019

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