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This was just posted on the DC Legends Twitter (X) account: "We've made the difficult decision to close DC Legends. As of today, th...

THECHEMISTRYLAB'S Ultimate Guide: Stats, Buffs, Debuffs and Effects

DC Legends is a game filled with many combat effects, buffs and Debuffs. As such, some may have trouble memorising all these information.
But don't worry, THECHEMISTRYLAB will be helping you today as we guide you on effects and stats
The Order is in Stats, Buffs, Debuffs and last but not least, Effects. Each section is in Alphabetical Order.
Strength: A Hero's Strength Stat affects his or her Physical Damage output
Agility: A Hero's Agility affects his or her defense against Physical Damage
Intelligence: A Hero's Intelligence affects the amount of Special Damage he or she deals, his or her defense against Special Attacks, and his or her Healing Power
Stamina: A Hero's Stamina affects his or her Hitpoints
Hit Points: The amount of Damage a Hero can receive before they are defeated
Speed: A Hero's Speed affects how often he or she takes their turn in battle. A hero with a higher Speed Stat will take his or her turn first
Crit Chance: A Hero's chance on delivering a Critical Hit or Heal. At G0, it is 5%. At G11, it varies for different characters
Crit Damage: The Increase in Damage or Healing in percentage when a Critical Hit or Heal is delivered. By Default, it is 150% at G0. At G11, it varies for different characters
Affinity Power Up: Each Affinity Power Up increases the damage dealt to another character which the hero has an Affinity Advantage over
Affinity Resist Up: Each Affinity Resist Up reduces the damage taken from a character which the hero has an Affinity Advantage over. For example, an Energy character with a Affinity Resist Up Buff will take even less Damage from a Physical character
Agility Up: Temporarily increases a Hero's Agility
Awareness: This Buff prevents a Hero from taking any Damage, but once the hero is hit, the Awareness buff is used up. Bleeds and Disease also remove Awareness
Crit Chance Up: Temporarily increases a Hero's chance of dealing a Critical Hit
Crit Damage Up: Temporarily increases a Hero's Crit Damage
Crit Immunity: Temporarily protects a hero from receiving any Critical Hits
Damage Immunity: Characters with this Buff cannot lose any Health in any way
Death Immunity: Characters with this Buff can receive damage, but cannot die as long as they have the Buff
Debuff Immunity: Characters with this Buff cannot receive any Debuffs
Empowered Agility Up: Basically 2 Agility Ups
Empowered Stamina Up: Basically 2 Stamina Ups
Empowered Strength Ups: Bascially 2 Strength Ups
Enrage Immunity: Heroes with this Buff cannot be Enraged
Evasion Up: Increases a chance of an enemy missing an attack on that Hero
Hit Chance Up: Increases a Hero's chance of hitting an enemy, specifically those with Evasion Ups
Intelligence Up: Temporarily increases a Hero's Intelligence stat
Invisibility: Abilities that target a single enemy cannot be used on an Invisible character
Mends: It allows a hero to recover back a certain portion of his or her Health back at the start of their turn. The more Mends there are, the more Health is recovered
Silence Immunity: A Hero with Silence Immunity cannot be Silenced
Speed Up: Temporarily increases a Hero's Speed Stat
Strength Up: Temporarily increases a Hero's Strength Stat
Stun Immunity: Heroes with Stun Immunity cannot be Stunned
Taunt: When a Hero taunts, only they can receive damage from a one target attack
True Sight: Ignore Taunt and Invisibility form the enemy team
Affinity Resist Down: Increases the Damage a Hero receives from an enemy which they have an Affinity Advantage over
Agility Down: Temporarily decreases a Hero's Agility Stat
Bleeds: For each Bleed on a Hero, they will lose a portion of their Health
Buff Immunity: Heroes with Buff Immunity cannot receive any Buffs
Crit Chance Down: Temporarily decreases a Hero's Crit Chance
Crit Damage Down: Temporarily decreases a Hero's Crit Damage
Disease: A team with the Disease Debuff on them will lose a portion of their health at the start of a member's turn. The Debuff has a 10% Chance to Spread to the teammates
Doom: After 4 Turns, if not purged, a Hero will receive 100% True Damage
Enrage: A Hero with the Enrage Debuff will automatically use their basic on a random enemy
Evasion Down: The Debuff Version of Hit Chance Up
Heal Immunity: A Hero with this Debuff cannot gain any Health in any way
Hit Chance Down: The Debuff Version of Evasion Up
Intelligence Down: Temporarily decreases a Hero's Intelligence stat
Silence: It is the same as Enrage, just that a hero can choose his/her target
Speed Down: Temporarily decreases a Hero's Speed Stat
Strength Down: Temporarily decreases a Hero's Strength Stat
Stun: Characters who are Stunned skip their next Turn. They also cannot counterattack or be called to Assist when they are Stunned
Apply Shield: Gives Shield to an ally. A hero without an Ignore Shield move has to destroy the Shield before they take down the Hero's Health
Apply Taunt: Characters can apply a Taunt to an Ally, or even an enemy
Buff Stealing: A Hero robs a certain number of Buffs from an enemy
Buff to Debuff Conversion: Converts a Buff to its opposite, like Mends to Bleeds, Strength Ups to Strength Downs
Call Assist: When a Hero uses a Call Assist move, a random ally will use their basic on an enemy. The enemy may not necessarily be the same as the selected one
Can't Miss: A Hero will never miss an enemy, no matter how many Hit Chance Downs they have, or Evasion Ups which the enemy has
NOTE: 100% Hit Chance and Can't Miss are different. A 100% Hit Chance move can still miss an enemy
Cooldown Effects: Lowers a Hero's Ability Cooldown of self or teammates
Copy Buffs: Copies a teammate's or an enemy's Buffs
Counter Attack: A Hero counters with a certain move, mainly the basic when they receive Damage
Debuff Transfer: A character transfer a Debuff to an enemy
Heal: A characters can heal either self or allies. An Overheal allows a Hero to heal past his/her maximum health
Ignore Awareness: An attack which ignores Awareness can damage an enemy with Awareness
Ignore Shields: An attack which Ignores Shield can damage an enemy with Shield
Out of Turn Attacks: A character uses one of their moves on an enemy when it isn't their turn
Purge Buffs: A Hero removes a certain number of Buffs from any enemy, or in some cases, any Ally
Purge Debuffs: A Hero removes a certain number of Debuffs from an Ally
Remove Shield: An attack removes a certain amount of Shield from an enemy
Revive: A Hero revives from the dead after they die. However, it will affect the number of stars won upon victory. A Hero cannot revive if they have Heal Immunity on themselves when they die
Start of Battle Ability: A character uses a certain move at the beginning of combat. It can work even if the Hero is Enraged
Steal Shield: A Hero steals a certain amount of Shield from a selected enemy
True Damage: A Hero deals damage to a certain percentage of an enemy's health
True Heal: A Hero gains back a certain percentage of his or her Health
Turn Meter Down: Lowers an enemy's turn meter
Turn Meter Up: Increases an ally's turn meter

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