A blog for United As One to use for helpful news, information and resources to help in DC Legends

Breaking News

DC Legends Is Ending

This was just posted on the DC Legends Twitter (X) account: "We've made the difficult decision to close DC Legends. As of today, th...

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

My Approach

I have been asked on several occasions on how I approach DC Legends.  The answer is very simple:  balance and planning.

Let's look at the balance portion of my approach:

The trick to the game is not to have a top heavy roster that will hurt not only yourself, but your alliance as well.  No character on my roster that is in my Top 70 is below a level 50, with gear no less than a three and their Super Powers at no less than a four.

Twenty of these characters have not reached legendary status yet.  However, they are at 5 stars and can reach legendary status the next time they are a Wraith Arena reward.

The weakest character on my roster at this moment is Lobo, who is a three star character, at level 35 with a power level of 1,936.  The strongest character at this moment is Freddy Shazam, a legendary 1 character, and is at level 54 with a power level of 3,801.

I balance my roster by planning.  Here is how:

Each week, SilverFoxThePirate will give us a few days notice as to who the 5 point character will be for Alliance Points the next week.  I will spend XP and gear (if applicable) to rank up that character and get them to at least a Level 50 (if needed).

Then when the new week starts, I will take a look at that day and see which of the characters being used to gain Alliance Points is the weakest and try to rank them up.

However, there is an exception to the rule.  I call it the New Character Rule.  I will use October 2019 as an example:

On October 24, 2019 DC Legends developers released this image:

The image shown is the two new characters that will be added to the game starting on November 1.  On the date this teaser image is released, I stop using the designated XP (Physical, Mystical, Energy) as well as stop using the designated gear for said affinity, so that I may stock up and be able to hit the ground running on these new characters as soon as I acquire them.

So with November 2019, I will not be using any Physical XP or Physical gear, until I get these new characters leveled up to where I want them.

This approach can be challenging on months when the two characters are of two different affinities, and I'm only able to freely use one affinity XP and gear.

The best thing about planning like this is when the Raid comes around.  Most Raids I am able to get at least 10,000 gems and countless XP for each affinity and the generic XP that can go with any character, as well as gear for all three affinities.

Once the Raid is complete and I have gotten all my rewards, I will try to save at least 8,000 in gems so that I may buy the shard pack of the character that is in the next month's Siege Tournament.  So with the Raid that is at the end of October, I will be setting aside at least 8,000 gems to acquire extra shards of the physical character in the November Siege Tournament.

In October, Eclipso was the Siege Tournament character.  It takes 25 shards to unlock him.  The Siege Tournament lasts for 21 days, so if you complete your three Siege Tournament fights per day, you will have 21 of the 25 shards needed to unlock Eclipso.  At the end of the Siege you will get character shards based on your world ranking for the event.  In the last couple of days of the Siege, the developers will release a pack in the shop of around 150 shards of the Siege character for around 8,000 gems.

After grinding to get the 21 shards, the Siege tournament rewards and the 150 shards for 8k in gems, I was able to get Eclipso to a 5 star character and have 49 of the 90 shards needed to make him a Legendary 1 character.  After using the mystical XP and gear I had saved up from the announcement date, as well as the Raid rewards, I was able to get him to Level 50, gear up to G5 and his Super Powers to a 4.  This was at the end of the month.  With the same stockpile of mystical XP and gear at the beginning of the month, I was able to take Spectre, who was the free character for October and get him to Legendary 1, Level 50, with G5 and Super Powers at 4.

So I was able to get both of the new characters for the month of October up to where they were able to make an impact for the Alliance Points from the first day they were needed.

With balance and planning, you should be able to get at least 100 Alliance Points on PvP days and 500 Alliance Points on Heroic days.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

PvP and Red Alert Battle Issues

Apparently some players are having an issue with PvP and Red Alert Battles where an Out of Sync occurs.  WB is recommending that we update the game to the latest version.  Per the usual, I'm sure this will cause them to compensate us.