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Friday, August 23, 2019

September Game Update

Gotham City’s streets tremble as Talia al Ghul and Man-Bat arrive in DC Legends! Joining them are this month’s reworks: Killer Croc: King of the Sewer and Deadshot: Suicide Squad Hitman.


Daughter of the criminal mastermind Ra's al Ghul, Talia has traveled the world as an advisor to her father's criminal empire. She has been trained by the best the League has to offer, becoming a most formidable foe to the Batman. A foe that became a lover, and eventually a father to her child, Damian. She later rose to lead her own criminal organization: Leviathan, whose goal is to dismantle society and establish a new world order.

Trained by master assassins and modern weapon experts, Talia nimbly dodges enemy attacks while also dealing devastating and precise attacks that weaken the enemy.


Fearing the rejection of his beloved Francine due to his impending deafness, Dr. Kirk Langstrom became obsessed with the study of bats' enhanced hearing system to develop a serum that could help him with his illness. Unfortunately, his efforts backfired when he tried the serum on himself, which caused him to slowly transform into a giant humanoid bat, unable to control himself, and giving in to the primal instincts of his bat persona.

Man-Bat uses his razor-sharp claws to shred his enemies and infect them with a contagious disease. His bat form also grants him a thick hide that protects him from attacks and even makes him immune to critical hits.


Born with a strange condition, Waylon Jones developed reptilian characteristics at a young age. Tormented by peers and adults, he eventually grew into a hulking mass of teeth, claws and lizard-like armor. 'Killer Croc' earned money wrestling alligators in the backwaters of Florida until coming to Gotham. Croc struggles with savage animal impulses and has been captured multiple times by both Batman and the Suicide Squad.

When Killer Croc catches the trail of a Taunting enemy he pounces, applying Buff Immunity and bonus attacks. Croc hides behind Invisibility and then makes a splash of Critical Hits and Bleed debuffs where he surfaces. Any foolish hero who attacks Croc may gain Taunt and be his next target.


As a child, Floyd Lawton tried to end his abusive father's reign of terror with a single shot. But when his aim went astray, Floyd accidentally killed his beloved brother instead. Vowing to never again miss, Lawton became the world's greatest marksman and criminal gun-for-hire. Never quite shaking the guilt of his brother's death, he harbors a reckless deathwish with only his daughter Zoe giving him a reason to live.

Premier marksman. His barrage of gunfire slows opponents and creates opportunities for devastating hits.


Riddler: Prince of Puzzles (9/2 - 9/8)
Man-Bat: Dr. Kirk Langstrom (9/9 -9/15)
Deadshot: Suicide Squad Hitman(9/16 - 9/22)
Talia al Ghul: Daughter of the Demon (9/23 - 9/29)
Killer Croc: King of the Sewers (9/30 - 10/6)


Green Arrow: Emerald Archer
Deadshot: Hired Gun
Cyborg: Vic Stone
Cheetah: Avatar of the Hunt
Robin: Damian Wayne
Lobo: The Main Man
Hawkgirl: Champion of Thanagar
Star Sapphire: Carol Ferris
Red Robin: Tim Drake
Batman: World's Greatest Detective
Catwoman: The Princess of Plunder
Nightwing: The Aerial Avenger
Captain Cold: Criminal Master of Chill
Mirror Master: Roguish Reflection
Donna Troy: The First Wonder Girl
Mera: Queen of Atlantis
Mister Miracle: Scott Free
S.T.R.I.P.E.: Pat Dugan
Firestorm: The Nuclear Man
Reverse Flash: Professor Zoom
Deadshot: Suicide Squad Hitman
Killer Croc: King of the Sewers
Captain Atom: Quantum Field Man
Booster Gold: 25th Century Hero
Man-Bat: Dr. Kirk Langstrom
Talia al Ghul: Daughter of the Demon

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