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Tuesday, September 24, 2019

October Game Update

Divine powers of good and evil collide as Spectre and Eclipso arrive in DC Legends! Joining them are this month’s spooky reworks: Cyborg Superman: Man-Machine of Steel and Silver Banshee: Wailing Wretch.


Eclipso was created by God to be his Spirit of Wrath. But when it got corrupted, it was replaced by the Spirit of Vengeance: the Spectre. Eclipso was trapped in an Apokoliptian black diamond, the Heart of Darkness. Bruce Gordon, Earth's leading solar energy scientist, would become the first of Eclipso's hosts when he was attacked with a shard from the cursed gemstone. He would spend the rest of his life trying to rid the World of Eclipso's evil influence.

Eclipso has fun with his enemies, taunting them, blinding them and evading their attacks.


Jim Corrigan was a policeman who was killed by a gang of criminals, his body placed in a barrel filled with cement, then dumped into a river. After his death, his soul wandered in the Limbo, where he was bound with a spiritual force named the Spirit of Vengeance, whose mission is to confront evil wherever he is. After this union, Jim Corrigan returns to the world of the living and adopts the identity of Spectre. Since then he has been responsible for distributing justice as an agent of The Presence to all those who commit terrible crimes.

As the representation of The Presence, The Spectre can deal great amount of damage using his divine abilities.


To succeed her father as leader of their Gaelic clan, Siobhan McDougal underwent a dark ritual to prove herself worthy but when the ritual failed, she was dragged to the Netherworld. There, the mysterious Crone granted Siobhan powers and returned her as the Silver Banshee at the price of needing to recover a powerful occult book. Now Silver Banshee rampages in search of the book, bringing her face-to-face with heroes like Superman and Supergirl.

Silver Banshee becomes invisible when she smells blood, ready to attack weakened enemies. When a team member dies, she will protect the remaining ones AND curse the offender enemy, rendering him unable to be buffed. Her Special Damage attacks can inflict multiple conditions on foes, getting more dangerous each time!


During a space mission, astronaut Hank Henshaw and his wife were killed in an accident but Henshaw survived as a disembodied consciousness. Managing to interface with the Kryptonian birthing matrix that carried Superman to earth, Henshaw used it to give himself a body with Superman’s DNA and resurrect himself as a man-machine hybrid. Blaming Superman for the death of his wife, Henshaw now obsessively seeks revenge against the Man of Steel.

With powerful immunities and always increasing shields, he shrugs off critical hits to attack with debilitating strikes.


Spectre: Spirit of Vengeance (10/7 - 10/13)
Cyborg Superman: Man-Machine of Steel (10/14 -10/20)
Silver Banshee: Wailing Wretch (10/21 - 10/27)
Eclipso: Spirit of Wrath (10/28 - 11/3)


Cheetah: Avatar of the Hunt
Zatanna: Mistress of Magic
Green Lantern: Hal Jordan
Bane: Venom Addict
Black Adam: Khem-Adam
Etrigan: The Demon
Green Lantern: John Stewart
Poison Ivy: Mistress of Plants
Blue Beetle: Jaime Reyes
Ocean Master: King Orm
Swamp Thing: Champion of the Green
Wonder Woman: Champion of the Amazons
Black Lightning: Protector of Suicide Slums
Doomsday: The Ultimate
Arsenal: Roy Harper
Black Manta: Scourge of the Seven Seas
S.T.R.I.P.E.: Pat Dugan
Captain Atom: Quantum Field Man
Deadshot: Suicide Squad Hitman
Killer Croc: King of the Sewers
Cyborg Superman: Man-Machine of Steel
Silver Banshee: Wailing Wretch
Man-Bat: Dr. Kirk Langstrom
Talia al Ghul: Daughter of the Demon
Spectre: Spirit of Vengeance
Eclipso: Spirit of Wrath

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