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Friday, April 24, 2020

May Game Update

Superman’s villains arrive as Metallo: Cybernetic Criminal and Parasite: Absorption Freak join DC Legends! Along with them are May’s reworks: Superman: Man of Steel and Martian Manhunter: Last of the Martians!


John Corben was a sergeant in the US Army under the command of General Sam Lane, who was concerned about national security implications of beings like Superman and agreed to help Luthor in building a kryptonite-powered battle suit. Corben volunteered to pilot the suit. However, in his first encounter with Superman, a disastrous surge of energy occurred almost killing the sergeant. Corben's life was saved by integrating his body into the suit, transforming him into the Cyborg Metallo, with the kryptonite rock functioning as his new heart.

Metallo takes advantage of his metal body to attract enemies and gain strength to counter-attack.


Working as a Janitor in STAR Labs, Rudy Jones' curiosity took the best of him. After opening a radioactive container to see if there was any valuable hidden in it, he was bombarded by radioactive energy that turned his body into an energy absorption monster. He then decided to turn to crime, using his powers to deal with the most powerful heroes, even going hand to hand with the Man of Steel himself.

Parasite absorbs the powers and life energy from his adversaries, powering up whenever he is touched.


After losing his wife and daughter in a terrible apocalypse on Mars, J'onn J'onzz found himself accidentally transported to Earth by eccentric scientist Dr. Saul Erdel. Stranded on an alien planet, J’onn used his shape-shifting powers and great empathy to create a new identity for himself on his new world. Now, the Martian Manhunter stands alongside heroes such as Superman and Wonder Woman to protect all of humanity.

Protects his team with telepathy and psychic powers while using shape-shifting for stunning attacks.


Escaping the doomed planet of Krypton as an infant, Kal-El rocketed across the universe to land in the most unlikely of places, Kansas on Earth. Being raised under a yellow sun gave him unparalleled superhuman powers while being raised by the kindly Kent family gave him an unequalled sense of duty, decency and hope. As a reporter for the Daily Planet, Clark Kent uses the power of the press to fight for the citizens of Metropolis while as Superman he uses his powers to protect the people of the world.

Uses solar energy for super-strength to protect his team and disable opponents with potent heat vision.


Metallo:Cybernetic Criminal (5/4 - 5/10)
Martian Manhunter: Last of the Martians (5/11 - 5/17)
Superman: Man of Steel (5/18 - 5/24)
Parasite: Absorption Freak (5/25 - 5/31)
Livewire (6/1 - 6/7)


Bane: Venom Addict
Harley Quinn: The Mad Jester
Lex Luthor: Survival Support Suit
Solomon Grundy: Born On A Monday
Red Robin:Tim Drake
Deadshot: Suicide Squad Hitman
Bizarro: No.1
Star Sapphire: Carol Ferris
Conner Kent: The Boy Of Steel
Lex Luthor: Assault Warsuit
Black Canary: Dinah Laurel Lance
Booster Gold: 25th Century Hero
Superboy: Jon Kent
Ultraman: The Man Who Steals
Ares: God Of War
Raven: Daughter of Demons
Black Mask: The Crime King
Hawkman: Carter Hall
Chemo: The Deathless Doom
Mirror Master: Roguish Reflection
Superman: Man Of Steel
Martian Manhunter: Last Of The Martians
Captain Boomerang: Aussie Marksman
Heat Wave: The Pyromaniac

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