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Sunday, October 25, 2020

November Game Update

Black Hand: The Embodiment of Death and Indigo-1: The Light of Compassion join DC Legends! Along with them are November reworks: Green Lantern: John Stewart and Star Sapphire: Carol Ferris.


William Hand lived among the dead from an early age, surrounded by the corpses in his family's mortuary business. This obsession caused Atrocitus to attack him while looking for the Power of the Black, but after being saved by Green Lanterns, William stole Atroctius' Cosmic Divining Rod, a weapon he would later use to kill his own family, and finally himself. It was then that Scar appeared, and gave him the power of the Black Lanterns, turning him into the Embodiment of Death, whose only goal would be to extinguish the light.

With his powers over death, Black Hand can doom to a slow demise, and come back from the dead!


Indigo-1, previously known as Iroque, was a brutal and merciless assassin who murdered the daughter of the Green Lantern, Abin Sur. When Abin Sur discovered the amazing powers of the indigo light in the world of Nok, decided to forge the first Indigo Power Ring, and force Iroque to accept the light of compassion. After this, she changes her name to Indigo-1 and became the first member and leader of the Indigo Tribe.

Indigo-1 uses her powers to prevent her enemies to get an advantage in combat and help her teammates to purge their negatives effects.


From the tough streets of Detroit, John Stewart joined the US Marine Corps to become a top sniper before leaving the service and becoming an architect. When the Lantern Corps needed a reserve Green Lantern for Sector 2814, Stewart was the man to hold the line. Headstrong and uncompromising, Stewart is a master builder whose selfless and dedicated service eventually won a position of the highest honor in the Green Lantern Corps.

Uses Power Ring to build elaborate constructs of pure willpower.


While running her aircraft company, Carol Ferris had a turbulent relationship with cocky pilot Hal Jordan. And after Jordan became a Green Lantern, Ferris was chosen by the all-female Zamaron race to wield the Star Sapphire. At first, its power overwhelmed Ferris and twisted her personality but when she tamed its awesome power, she became the leader of the Violet Lantern Corps, illuminating the universe with the light of Love.

With Violet light of Love, able to heal as well as attack.


Indigo-1: The Light of Compassion (11/2 - 11/8)
Green Lantern: John Stewart (11/9-11/15)
Star Sapphire: Carol Ferris (11/16-11/22)
Black Hand: The Embodiment of Death (11/23 - 11/29)


Chemo: The Deathless Doom
Cyborg: Vic Stone
Cheetah: Avatar of the Hunt
Huntress: The Zealous Crusader
Hawkgirl: Champion of Thanagar
Kilowog: Green Lantern of Sector 674
Black Adam: Khem-Adam
Atrocitus: The First Red Lantern
Black Lightning: Protector of Suicide Slums
Guy Gardner: The Crazy One
Jessica Cruz: Green Lantern Co-Defender of Earth
Larfleeze: Agent Orange
Alan Scott: Keeper of the Starheart
Saint Walker: Lantern of Hope
Black Mask: The Crime King
Artemis: The Shim 'Tar
Vandal Savage: Vandar Adg
Hush: Thomas Elliot
Giganta: Colossal Criminal
Mr. Freeze: Heart of Ice
Star Sapphire: Carol Ferris
Green Lantern: John Stewart
Miss Martian: M'gann M'orzz
Atom: The World's Smallest Hero
Indigo-1: The Light of Compassion
Black Hand: The Embodiment of Death

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