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Tuesday, January 26, 2021

February Game Update

Bleez: Red Lantern of Sector 33 and Lady Shiva: Sandra Wu-San join DC Legends! Along with them are February reworks: Enchantress: Possessed Witch and Harley Quinn: The Mad Jester.


Bleez was born into Royalty and raised to look down on anyone outside her inner circle. She took pride in the idea of attracting suitors but despised the thought of sharing her time with them. But humility struck her life violently when her home planet, Havania, was attacked by the Sinestro Corps. After being kidnapped and turned into a victim, she was consumed by rage and approached by an Energy Ring, becoming the Red Lantern of Sector 33.

Bleez's most effective weapon is rage. She manipulates enemies' rage to turn them into easy prey. And uses her own to amplify her effectiveness in battle.


Sandra Wu-San was born in an Asian village under the control of the League of Assassins. From a young age, Sandra and her sister Carolyn showed a particular aptitude for martial combat but escaped the village together. That ended with Carolyn murdered by David Cain. In her quest for revenge for her sister’s murder, Sandra took on a new master, O-Sensei, and become Lady Shiva, named for the Hindu god of destruction.

Lady Shiva always finds the way to break the defense of her enemies and asset most deadly critical hits.


While at a costume party, artist June Moone stumbled upon a secret chamber where the magical spirit Dzamor granted her the ability to transform into the Enchantress, a powerful sorceress. But the dangerous spirit wanted June to pursue its evil intentions. While June can harness Dzamor’s powers, she is barely able to keep it in check so she is now kept under the strict control of the infamous Suicide Squad.

Channels mystical energy to heal and energize herself and her squad.


Obsessed with curing the institutionalized Joker, Dr. Harleen Quinzel found herself falling under the seductive spell of the criminal genius. Spiraling into madness herself, she helped him escape and joined his life of crime, only to be abandoned by the fickle madman. Unstable and unpredictable, Harley Quinn doesn’t have quite the homicidal streak as her ex-boyfriend but she’s proof that love can make anyone a little crazy.”

Unpredictable acrobat. Taunts and evades while delivering surprising attacks that confuse enemies.


Harley Quinn: The Mad Jester (2/01 - 02/7)
Bleez: Red Lantern of Sector 33 (02/8-02/14)
Enchantress: Possessed Witch (02/15-02/21)
Lady Shiva: Sandra Wu-San (02/22 - 02/28)


Lex Luthor: Survival Support Suit
Chemo: The Deathless Doom
Cheetah: Avatar of the Hunt
Huntress: The Zealous Crusader
Green Lantern: John Stewart
Hawkgirl: Champion of Thanaga
Star Sapphire: Carol Ferris
Atrocitus: The First Red Lantern
Medphyll: Green Lantern of Sector 1287
Guy Gardner: The Crazy One
Jessica Cruz: Green Lantern Co-Defender of Earth
Heat Wave: The Pyromaniac
Alan Scott: Keeper of the Starheart
Hippolyta: Queen of the Amazons
Red Robin: Tim Drake
Azrael: The Avenging Angel
Indigo-1: The Light of Compassion
Amazo: The Vengeful Replicator
Jay Garrick: Golden Age Flash
Kid Flash: The Fastest Kid Alive
Harley Quinn: The Mad Jester
Enchantress: Possessed Witch
Black Flash: Death of the Speed Force
Impulse: Bart Allen
Bleez: Red Lantern of Sector 33
Lady Shiva: Sandra Wu-San

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