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Saturday, February 20, 2021

March Game Update

Darkseid: God of Evil and Superwoman: Earth 3 Lois Lane join DC Legends! Along with them are March reworks: Mister Miracle: Scott Free and Wonder Woman: Champion of the Amazons.


He is worshipped as the "God of Evil", the supreme monarch of the nightmare planet Apokolips. Considered as one of the Justice League's worst adversaries, the greatest enemy of New Genesis, and one of the greatest threats to all living beings in the universe, he seeks to bend everything and every one to his will and remake the cosmos in his image. The one with the name that stands above all others when it comes to supreme villainy... Darkseid

Darkseid accumulates a great amount of power by the action of his allies and enemies to become a devastating force.


Superwoman is the last Amazon from Earth-3 by her own hand. She was born, raised, and trained in combat in Damnation Island, but before leaving her home, she took the lives of her sisters. Once in the world of men, this warped counterpart of both Lois Lane and Wonder Woman married Ultraman and founded the Crime Syndicate.

Superwoman's powers are founded on top of her abilities and training as an Amazon, she's a fierce fighter who forces her enemies into submission by using bouts of critical damage.


In the last effort to end their war, the leaders of New Genesis and Apokolips traded sons. While Orion was given to the benevolent Highfather, Scott Free ended up in the hands of the God of Evil, Darkseid. Escaping torture at Granny Goodness's orphanage, Scott hid on Earth and took on the mantle of Mister Miracle. He is the greatest escape artist in the universe and uses his advanced technology to fight injustice alongside his wife, Big Barda.

Mister Miracle transfers debuffs from his team to the enemies, who can't hide from his advanced technology.


Born among the legendary Amazons of Greek myth, Princess Diana has a fierce warrior’s heart while being an emissary of peace. On a hidden island paradise, she was trained in the arts of combat as well as justice and equality. Diana ventured into the 'world of men’ armed with magical gifts from the Gods and a message for all men and women - that all the world can be united through compassion, strength, and understanding.

Skilled and powerful warrior. Wields magical weapons to defend her allies.


Mister Miracle: Scott Free (03/01 - 03/07)
Superwoman: Earth 3 Lois Lane (03/8 - 03/14)
Wonder Woman: Champion of the Amazons (03/15 - 03/21)
Darkseid: God of Evil (03/22 - 03/28)
Steppenwolf: General of Apokolips (03/29 - 04/04 )


Bane: Venom Addict
Huntress: The Zealous Crusader
Cheetah: Avatar of the Hunt
Chemo: The Deathless Doom
Owlman: Thomas Wayne, Jr.
Metallo: Cybernetic Criminal
Wonder Woman: Princess of Themyscira
Hawkgirl: Champion of Thanagar
Black Mask: The Crime King
Killer Croc: King of the Sewers
Talia al Ghul: Daughter of the Demon
Deathstroke: The Terminator
Ultraman: The Man Who Steals
Killer Frost: Dr. Caitlin Snow
Eclipso: Spirit of Wrath
Parasite: Absorption Freak
Red Tornado: The Tornado Champion
Black Flash: Death of the Speed Force
Harley Quinn: The Mad Jester
Enchantress: Possessed Witch
Wonder Woman: Champion of the Amazons
Mister Miracle: Scott Free
Bleez: Red Lantern of Sector 33
Lady Shiva: Sandra Wu-San
Superwoman: Earth 3 Lois Lane
Darkseid: God of Evil

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