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This was just posted on the DC Legends Twitter (X) account: "We've made the difficult decision to close DC Legends. As of today, th...

Saturday, March 27, 2021

April Game Update

Hawk: The Avatar of War and Dove: The Avatar of Peace join DC Legends! Along with them are April reworks: Blue Beetle: Jaime Reyes and Deathstroke: The Terminator.


Hank Hall has always been the type to punch first and ask questions later. His impulsive personality was only countered by his brother Don's, The first Dove. But since his brother's death, he continued his work as a vigilante by himself until Dawn Granger joined him to continue Don's legacy.

Hawk is a slow but heavy hitter. His fighting style focuses on making enemies more vulnerable to his waves of damage. When Dove fights alongside him, he becomes his protector and his power is enhanced.


Dawn Granger is the second Dove, the successor of Don Hall. She is an avatar of Peace and half of Hawk and Dove. the crimefighter duo. Dawn’s level head, along with her willingness to see reason and compromise, make her the perfect counterpoint to Hank’s hair-trigger rage and stubbornness. But her measured manner should never be mistaken for weakness.

Dove uses her skills to dodge the attacks of her enemies and counterattack with great strength and agility.


Jaime was a typical teenager until he came upon the mysterious Blue Beetle scarab. Originally possessed by Dan Garrett and then Ted Kord, the parasitic scarab attached itself to Jaime’s spine. Bonding permanently with the entity, Jaime was able to tap into new powers that his predecessors never dreamed of. Though its origins are obscure, Jaime has formed an unusual ‘partnership’ with the alien creature and is now the latest hero to call himself the Blue Beetle.

Configures his armor to adapt to shielded enemies and do more damage against them.


While serving in elite covert ops unit Team 7, Slade Wilson volunteered for an experiment to create a super-soldier. The other test subjects died but Wilson’s mind and body were dramatically enhanced. After Team 7 was dissolved, an embittered Wilson used his lethal skills to become a mercenary, establishing himself as the world’s deadliest assassin. Ruthless and unscrupulous, Wilson is a killer who fulfills his contracts no matter what.

Master swordsman and marksman with enhanced physical attributes.


Blue Beetle: Jaime Reyes (04/05 - 04/11)
Dove: The Avatar of Peace (04/12 - 04/18)
Deathstroke: The Terminator (04/19 - 04/25)
Hawk: The Avatar of War (04/26 - 05/02)


Harley Quinn: The Mad Jester
Huntress: The Zealous Crusader
Cyborg: Vic Stone
Cheetah: Avatar of the Hunt
Artemis: The Shim'Tar
Conner Kent: The Boy of Steel
Hawkgirl: Champion of Thanagar
Solomon Grundy: Born on a Monday
Ravager: Rose Wilson
Beast Boy: Changeling
Green Arrow: Castaway
Lady Shiva: Sandra Wu-San
Starfire: Warrior Princess from Tamaran
Terra: Troubled Teen Titan
Aqualad: Kaldur'ahm
Raven: Daughter of Demons
Black Flash: Death of the Speed Force
Bleez: Red Lantern of Sector 33
Mister Miracle: Scott Free
Wonder Woman: Champion of the Amazons
Deathstroke: The Terminator
Blue Beetle: Jaime Reyes
Superwoman: Earth 3 Lois Lane
Darkseid: God of Evil
Dove: Avatar of Peace
Hawk: The Avatar of War

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