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Saturday, June 26, 2021

July Game Update

Steel: John Henry Irons and Eradicator: Last Son of Krypton join DC Legends! Along with them are July reworks: General Zod: Kryptonian Warmonger and Ultraman: The Man Who Steals.


John Henry Irons firmly believes Superman's presence is a necessity for the well-being of Earth. So when the Kryptonian hero is defeated by Doomsday, the engineer resorts to what he does best and builds a mechanized suit that holds all of Superman's physical abilities. Determined to serve as a new protector, he takes his sledgehammer and jumps into action.

Born as a replacement for Superman, Steel is primarily a protector. He focuses harm to himself, diffusing it by shielding. He's also a slow, but heavy hitter, using critical damage to tilt the battle in his favor.


The Eradicator is a machine of Kryptonian design, built to preserve the world of Krypton and protect it from outside influences by destroying whatever is deemed as an intruder. Thousands of years later, it arrived on Earth, attempting to turn it into a copy of its birthplace.

The Eradicator is a cyborg weapon built for the protection of his allies, but also a deadly weapon that can annihilate his enemies.


In an alternate universe, Kal-Il was despised by his Kryptonian parents for being weak. Escaping Krypton's destruction, he arrived on Earth and forced the Kents to raise him until he had no more use for them. Becoming Ultraman, Kal-Il and other supervillains formed the Crime Syndicate and took over the world. When he found out about the multiverse, he set his eyes on conquering Superman's universe, coming face to face with the Justice League.

Ultraman attracts attention so he can transfer Debuffs to enemies when he attacks back, also helping teammates do the same.


On the brink of Krypton’s destruction, General Dru-Zod attempted to seize power in a desperate effort to save its people. For his rebellion, Zod and his followers were sentenced to death, but Jor-El convinced the Council to exile them to the Phantom Zone instead. Now free from his extra-dimensional prison, Zod seeks vengeance on Superman, the son of his enemy Jor-El, while he searches for a suitable planet to forge into a New Krypton.

Zod damages evaders directly using his speed and cunning, hitting them fast and hard.


Ultraman: The Man Who Steals (07/05 - 07/11)
Steel: John Henry Irons (07/12 - 07/18)
General Zod: Kryptonian Warmonger (07/19 - 07/25)
Eradicator: The Last Son of Krypton (07/26 - 08/01)


Chemo: The Deathless Doom
Lex Luthor: Survival Support Suit
Cheetah: Avatar of the Hunt
Huntress: The Zealous Crusader
Green Lantern: John Stewart
Hawkgirl: Champion of Thanagar
Star Sapphire: Carol Ferris
Metallo: Cybernetic Criminal
Bizarro: No. 1
Cyborg Superman: Man-Machine of Steel
Superman: Man of Steel
Superboy: Jon Kent
Parasite: Absorption Freak
Silver Banshee: Wailing Wretch
Conner Kent: The Boy of Steel
Superwoman: Earth 3 Lois Lane
Dove: The Avatar of Peace
King Shazam: The Infected
Terra: Troubled Teen Titan
Starfire: Warrior Princess from Tamaran
Ultraman: The Man Who Steals
General Zod: Kryptonian Warmonger
Jericho: Joseph Wilson
Blackfire: Queen of Tamaran
Steel: John Henry Irons
Eradicator: The Last Son of Krypton

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