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Sunday, July 25, 2021

August Game Update

King Shark: Nanaue and Bloodsport: Robert DuBois are coming this August to join DC Legends! Along with them are August reworks:Spectre: Spirit of Vengeance and Stargirl.


Nanaue is the offspring of the Hawaiian shark deity Kamo. After Kamo was captured on a tropical island by Amanda Waller, she also took one of his offspring with her before destroying the island, assuming that the child would be easier to control than the father. The child was Nanaue, who was raised by Waller in laboratory conditions and grew at an extremely fast rate. Nanaue at some point made it to Atlantis, where he hoped to become the next big crime boss

King Shark uses its sharp teeth to inflict serious injuries on enemies and then take advantage of them by generating a taste for blood.


When Robert DuBois was drafted to serve in the Vietnam War, fear of death took a hold of him, and he decided to flee to Canada. His younger brother Michael enlisted in his place, losing his arms and legs during battle. Guilt from these events left Robert a broken man, obsessed with war and violence.

Bloodsport uses a wide arrange of fire guns to make the enemy vulnerable and finish them off.


One day, looking through her stepfather's belongings, young girl Courtney Whitmore discovers a mysterious cosmic converter belt and the truth about him and his former life as a superhero. Courtney decides to craft her own superhero suit and put on the belt that gives her new special abilities to fight along with her stepfather and his S.T.R.I.P.E. armor

Making preparations for his retirement, Jack Night gives Courtney the Cosmic Staff, a powerful weapon full of absorbed stellar energy that gives her numerous abilities. From that moment, Courtney assumes the identity of Stargirl.

Stargirl, the young heroine that uses the power of the stars to diminish the strength of her enemies.


Jim Corrigan was a policeman who was killed by a gang of criminals, his body placed in a barrel filled with cement, then dumped into a river. After his death, his soul wandered in the Limbo, where he was bound with a spiritual force named the Spirit of Vengeance, whose mission is to confront evil wherever he is. After this union, Jim Corrigan returns to the world of the living and adopts the identity of Spectre.

Since then he has been responsible for distributing justice as an agent of The Presence to all those who commit terrible crimes.

Spectre uses his divine abilities to purge buffs from enemies, increase his intelligence and deal great amounts of special damage.


Kilowog: Green Lantern of Sector 674 ( 8/2 - 8/8)
Bloodsport: Robert DuBois (8/9-8/15)
Spectre: Spirit of Vengeance (8/16-8/22)
King Shark: Nanaue (8/23 - 8/29)
Stargirl: Wielder of the Cosmic Staff (8/30 - 9/5)


Chemo: The Deathless Doom
Cyborg: Vic Stone
Cheetah: Avatar of the Hunt
Bane: Venom Addict
Green Lantern: John Stewart
Hawkgirl: Champion of Thanagar
Doctor Fate: Sorcerer of Nabu
Arsenal: Roy Harper
Blackfire: Queen of Tamaran
Guy Gardner: The Crazy One
Killer Frost: Dr. Caitlin Snow
Power Girl: Last Daughter of Earth-2
Red Robin: Tim Drake
Scarecrow: Master of Fear
Vixen: Avatar of the Animal Kingdom
King Shazam: The Infected
Jericho: Joseph Wilson
General Zod: Kryptonian Warmonger
Ultraman: The Man Who Steals
Spectre: Spirit of Vengeance
Stargirl: Wielder of the Cosmic Staff
Steel: John Henry Irons
Eradicator: Last Son of Krypton
Bloodsport: Robert DuBois
King Shark: Nanaue

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