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Sunday, March 27, 2022

April Game Update

Abin Sur: The Timeless Protector and Ultraviolet Lantern: John Stewart are coming this April to join DC Legends! Along with them are April reworks: Parallax: Kyle Rayner & Alan Scott: Keeper of the Starheart.


Abin Sur is an exemplary member of the Green Lantern Corps who served as the protector of Sector 2814 from the mid-1800s until the choosing of Hal Jordan. His presence had an impact on some of the most pivotal moments in Earth's history.

As the former Green Lantern of Sector 2814, Abin Sur has learned to serve as a protector to his allies while also bringing out the strength of those he's confident he can support.


Once, during a mission, John was faced against Sinestro, who in his past harnessed the power of the Invisible Emotional Spectrum instead of locking it away, considering it too dangerous. He converted John to an Ultraviolet Lantern and sent him in a battle against the Justice League on Earth. Later, he overcame the influence of Umbrax and wielded its energy through his own force of will and confronting his own negative emotions.

John awakes fury and violence on his enemies, making use of those emotions to endure in battle and incline them to their self-destruction.


Parallax is a demonic entity, the personification of fear, that jumps from host to host taking control of them, like a parasite, creating terror into anything that came in contact with. This parasitic behavior allowed him to take control of Kyle Rayner, a green lantern of sector 2814, captured by the Sinestro Corps. Now Rayner travels through the universe, as Parallax's host, with new powers and becoming the herald of the Anti-Monitor.

Parallax can increase his stamina to resist the attacks of his enemies and feed on their fear, waiting for the right moment to attack and make them lose control with enrage.


While working as a railroad engineer, Alan Scott found a strange lamp that infused him with the power of the Starheart, an ancient magical entity. As the First Green Lantern, he was a founding member of the Justice Society of America and has been a stalwart champion of justice for many decades, guiding and inspiring the newer generations of Green Lanterns.

Alan uses the power of the Starheart to protect his allies and deal devastating strikes to his enemies.


Abin Sur: The Timeless Protector (04/04 - 04/10)
Parallax: Kyle Rayner (04/11 - 04/17)
Ultraviolet Lantern: John Stewart (04/18 - 04/24)
Alan Scott: Keeper of the Starheart (04/25 - 05/01)


Lex Luthor: Survival Support Suit
Cyborg: Vic Stone
Huntress: The Zealous Crusader
Cheetah: Avatar of the Hunt
Green Lantern: John Stewart
Hawkgirl: Champion of Thanagar
Batgirl: #BatgirlOfBurnside
Black Adam: Khem-Adam
Superman: Man of Steel
Heat Wave: The Pyromaniac
Bizarro: No. 1
Wally West: The Flash
Giganta: Colossal Criminal
Atom: The World's Smallest Hero
Yara Flor: Future State Wonder Woman
Darkseid: God of Evil
Savitar: The Speed Force Cultist
Jesse Quick: The Golden Age Daughter
Talia Al Ghul: Daughter of the Demon
Hush: Thomas Elliot
Alan Scott: Keeper of the Starheart
Parallax: Kyle Rayner
Punchline: Alexis Kaye
Talon: William Cobb
Abin Sur: The Timeless Protector
Ultraviolet Lantern: John Stewart

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