A blog for United As One to use for helpful news, information and resources to help in DC Legends

Breaking News

DC Legends Is Ending

This was just posted on the DC Legends Twitter (X) account: "We've made the difficult decision to close DC Legends. As of today, th...

Monday, November 18, 2019

November and December Raid Events

There will be no Raid Events in November or December.  Apparently WB is taking the holiday season to iron out issues that were present in the past raids to give players a smoother experience.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Out of Sync Issues

There was an issue where players would be told they were "out of sync" when trying to log into the
game.  Apparently the issue has been resolved.  As usual, I'm sure we will be compensated for this.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

My Approach

I have been asked on several occasions on how I approach DC Legends.  The answer is very simple:  balance and planning.

Let's look at the balance portion of my approach:

The trick to the game is not to have a top heavy roster that will hurt not only yourself, but your alliance as well.  No character on my roster that is in my Top 70 is below a level 50, with gear no less than a three and their Super Powers at no less than a four.

Twenty of these characters have not reached legendary status yet.  However, they are at 5 stars and can reach legendary status the next time they are a Wraith Arena reward.

The weakest character on my roster at this moment is Lobo, who is a three star character, at level 35 with a power level of 1,936.  The strongest character at this moment is Freddy Shazam, a legendary 1 character, and is at level 54 with a power level of 3,801.

I balance my roster by planning.  Here is how:

Each week, SilverFoxThePirate will give us a few days notice as to who the 5 point character will be for Alliance Points the next week.  I will spend XP and gear (if applicable) to rank up that character and get them to at least a Level 50 (if needed).

Then when the new week starts, I will take a look at that day and see which of the characters being used to gain Alliance Points is the weakest and try to rank them up.

However, there is an exception to the rule.  I call it the New Character Rule.  I will use October 2019 as an example:

On October 24, 2019 DC Legends developers released this image:

The image shown is the two new characters that will be added to the game starting on November 1.  On the date this teaser image is released, I stop using the designated XP (Physical, Mystical, Energy) as well as stop using the designated gear for said affinity, so that I may stock up and be able to hit the ground running on these new characters as soon as I acquire them.

So with November 2019, I will not be using any Physical XP or Physical gear, until I get these new characters leveled up to where I want them.

This approach can be challenging on months when the two characters are of two different affinities, and I'm only able to freely use one affinity XP and gear.

The best thing about planning like this is when the Raid comes around.  Most Raids I am able to get at least 10,000 gems and countless XP for each affinity and the generic XP that can go with any character, as well as gear for all three affinities.

Once the Raid is complete and I have gotten all my rewards, I will try to save at least 8,000 in gems so that I may buy the shard pack of the character that is in the next month's Siege Tournament.  So with the Raid that is at the end of October, I will be setting aside at least 8,000 gems to acquire extra shards of the physical character in the November Siege Tournament.

In October, Eclipso was the Siege Tournament character.  It takes 25 shards to unlock him.  The Siege Tournament lasts for 21 days, so if you complete your three Siege Tournament fights per day, you will have 21 of the 25 shards needed to unlock Eclipso.  At the end of the Siege you will get character shards based on your world ranking for the event.  In the last couple of days of the Siege, the developers will release a pack in the shop of around 150 shards of the Siege character for around 8,000 gems.

After grinding to get the 21 shards, the Siege tournament rewards and the 150 shards for 8k in gems, I was able to get Eclipso to a 5 star character and have 49 of the 90 shards needed to make him a Legendary 1 character.  After using the mystical XP and gear I had saved up from the announcement date, as well as the Raid rewards, I was able to get him to Level 50, gear up to G5 and his Super Powers to a 4.  This was at the end of the month.  With the same stockpile of mystical XP and gear at the beginning of the month, I was able to take Spectre, who was the free character for October and get him to Legendary 1, Level 50, with G5 and Super Powers at 4.

So I was able to get both of the new characters for the month of October up to where they were able to make an impact for the Alliance Points from the first day they were needed.

With balance and planning, you should be able to get at least 100 Alliance Points on PvP days and 500 Alliance Points on Heroic days.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

PvP and Red Alert Battle Issues

Apparently some players are having an issue with PvP and Red Alert Battles where an Out of Sync occurs.  WB is recommending that we update the game to the latest version.  Per the usual, I'm sure this will cause them to compensate us.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

October Game Update

Divine powers of good and evil collide as Spectre and Eclipso arrive in DC Legends! Joining them are this month’s spooky reworks: Cyborg Superman: Man-Machine of Steel and Silver Banshee: Wailing Wretch.


Eclipso was created by God to be his Spirit of Wrath. But when it got corrupted, it was replaced by the Spirit of Vengeance: the Spectre. Eclipso was trapped in an Apokoliptian black diamond, the Heart of Darkness. Bruce Gordon, Earth's leading solar energy scientist, would become the first of Eclipso's hosts when he was attacked with a shard from the cursed gemstone. He would spend the rest of his life trying to rid the World of Eclipso's evil influence.

Eclipso has fun with his enemies, taunting them, blinding them and evading their attacks.


Jim Corrigan was a policeman who was killed by a gang of criminals, his body placed in a barrel filled with cement, then dumped into a river. After his death, his soul wandered in the Limbo, where he was bound with a spiritual force named the Spirit of Vengeance, whose mission is to confront evil wherever he is. After this union, Jim Corrigan returns to the world of the living and adopts the identity of Spectre. Since then he has been responsible for distributing justice as an agent of The Presence to all those who commit terrible crimes.

As the representation of The Presence, The Spectre can deal great amount of damage using his divine abilities.


To succeed her father as leader of their Gaelic clan, Siobhan McDougal underwent a dark ritual to prove herself worthy but when the ritual failed, she was dragged to the Netherworld. There, the mysterious Crone granted Siobhan powers and returned her as the Silver Banshee at the price of needing to recover a powerful occult book. Now Silver Banshee rampages in search of the book, bringing her face-to-face with heroes like Superman and Supergirl.

Silver Banshee becomes invisible when she smells blood, ready to attack weakened enemies. When a team member dies, she will protect the remaining ones AND curse the offender enemy, rendering him unable to be buffed. Her Special Damage attacks can inflict multiple conditions on foes, getting more dangerous each time!


During a space mission, astronaut Hank Henshaw and his wife were killed in an accident but Henshaw survived as a disembodied consciousness. Managing to interface with the Kryptonian birthing matrix that carried Superman to earth, Henshaw used it to give himself a body with Superman’s DNA and resurrect himself as a man-machine hybrid. Blaming Superman for the death of his wife, Henshaw now obsessively seeks revenge against the Man of Steel.

With powerful immunities and always increasing shields, he shrugs off critical hits to attack with debilitating strikes.


Spectre: Spirit of Vengeance (10/7 - 10/13)
Cyborg Superman: Man-Machine of Steel (10/14 -10/20)
Silver Banshee: Wailing Wretch (10/21 - 10/27)
Eclipso: Spirit of Wrath (10/28 - 11/3)


Cheetah: Avatar of the Hunt
Zatanna: Mistress of Magic
Green Lantern: Hal Jordan
Bane: Venom Addict
Black Adam: Khem-Adam
Etrigan: The Demon
Green Lantern: John Stewart
Poison Ivy: Mistress of Plants
Blue Beetle: Jaime Reyes
Ocean Master: King Orm
Swamp Thing: Champion of the Green
Wonder Woman: Champion of the Amazons
Black Lightning: Protector of Suicide Slums
Doomsday: The Ultimate
Arsenal: Roy Harper
Black Manta: Scourge of the Seven Seas
S.T.R.I.P.E.: Pat Dugan
Captain Atom: Quantum Field Man
Deadshot: Suicide Squad Hitman
Killer Croc: King of the Sewers
Cyborg Superman: Man-Machine of Steel
Silver Banshee: Wailing Wretch
Man-Bat: Dr. Kirk Langstrom
Talia al Ghul: Daughter of the Demon
Spectre: Spirit of Vengeance
Eclipso: Spirit of Wrath

The New Characters for October Are...

Eclipso and Spectre arrive in October!

Monday, September 23, 2019

New Characters: October

Can you guess who the new characters are joining the DC Legends ranks in October?

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Raid Event: September 25 - September 29

Another Raid Event is upon us!  Here are the featured characters for this month's event:

Multiplier x5

- Ra's al Ghul: Head of the Demon

- Talia al Ghul: Daughter of the Demon

- Reverse Flash: Professor Zoom

Multiplier x3

- Mary Shazam: Earth's Mightiest Girl

- Man-Bat: Dr. Kirk Langstrom

- Black Lightning: Protector of Suicide Slums

Multiplier x2

- Ares: God of War

- Nightwing: The Aerial Avenger

- Kid Flash: The Fastest Kid Alive

Here is hoping that the developers have fixed the issues that players experienced with the Black Lantern Raid last month.

Monday, September 16, 2019


The countdown has once again started on the Raid Boss.  Is there a raid coming?  If so, it was never formally announced by the developers.  Plus, (if I have done the math right) this raid will start on September 25, which is a Wednesday. 

Sunday, September 15, 2019

PvP Arena: September 16 - September 23

Find what is lurking in the shadows!  Play the PvP Wraith Tournament this week to win fragments of Killer Croc: King of the Sewers!

Sunday, September 8, 2019

PvP Arena: September 9 - September 16

Embrace immorality!  Play the PvP Wraith Tournament this week to win fragments of Ra's al Ghul: Head of the Demon!

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Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Raid Boss Spawning Issue Compensation

After the fiasco that was the Black Lantern Raid over Labor Day weekend, here is what the developers have given players as compensation for Raid Bosses not spawning:

10 L5 Blue XP Meta-Agents
10 L5 Red XP Meta-Agents
10 L5 Green XP Meta-Agents
2000 gems
5 Rebirth Crystals
100 PvE Energy

Sunday, September 1, 2019

Siege Tournament: September 2 - September 23

Climb the top of the ranks in Siege of the Leviathan tournament to win Talia al Ghul: Daughter of the Demon fragments!

PvP Arena: September 2 - September 9

Don't miss a single shot!  Play the PvP Wraith Tournament this week to win fragments of Deadshot: Suicide Squad Hitman!

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Sunday, August 25, 2019

PvP Arena: August 26 - September 2

The power of the Cosmic Staff has arrived!  Play the PvP weekly tournament this week to win Stargirl: Wielder of the Cosmic Staff!

Friday, August 23, 2019

September Game Update

Gotham City’s streets tremble as Talia al Ghul and Man-Bat arrive in DC Legends! Joining them are this month’s reworks: Killer Croc: King of the Sewer and Deadshot: Suicide Squad Hitman.


Daughter of the criminal mastermind Ra's al Ghul, Talia has traveled the world as an advisor to her father's criminal empire. She has been trained by the best the League has to offer, becoming a most formidable foe to the Batman. A foe that became a lover, and eventually a father to her child, Damian. She later rose to lead her own criminal organization: Leviathan, whose goal is to dismantle society and establish a new world order.

Trained by master assassins and modern weapon experts, Talia nimbly dodges enemy attacks while also dealing devastating and precise attacks that weaken the enemy.


Fearing the rejection of his beloved Francine due to his impending deafness, Dr. Kirk Langstrom became obsessed with the study of bats' enhanced hearing system to develop a serum that could help him with his illness. Unfortunately, his efforts backfired when he tried the serum on himself, which caused him to slowly transform into a giant humanoid bat, unable to control himself, and giving in to the primal instincts of his bat persona.

Man-Bat uses his razor-sharp claws to shred his enemies and infect them with a contagious disease. His bat form also grants him a thick hide that protects him from attacks and even makes him immune to critical hits.


Born with a strange condition, Waylon Jones developed reptilian characteristics at a young age. Tormented by peers and adults, he eventually grew into a hulking mass of teeth, claws and lizard-like armor. 'Killer Croc' earned money wrestling alligators in the backwaters of Florida until coming to Gotham. Croc struggles with savage animal impulses and has been captured multiple times by both Batman and the Suicide Squad.

When Killer Croc catches the trail of a Taunting enemy he pounces, applying Buff Immunity and bonus attacks. Croc hides behind Invisibility and then makes a splash of Critical Hits and Bleed debuffs where he surfaces. Any foolish hero who attacks Croc may gain Taunt and be his next target.


As a child, Floyd Lawton tried to end his abusive father's reign of terror with a single shot. But when his aim went astray, Floyd accidentally killed his beloved brother instead. Vowing to never again miss, Lawton became the world's greatest marksman and criminal gun-for-hire. Never quite shaking the guilt of his brother's death, he harbors a reckless deathwish with only his daughter Zoe giving him a reason to live.

Premier marksman. His barrage of gunfire slows opponents and creates opportunities for devastating hits.


Riddler: Prince of Puzzles (9/2 - 9/8)
Man-Bat: Dr. Kirk Langstrom (9/9 -9/15)
Deadshot: Suicide Squad Hitman(9/16 - 9/22)
Talia al Ghul: Daughter of the Demon (9/23 - 9/29)
Killer Croc: King of the Sewers (9/30 - 10/6)


Green Arrow: Emerald Archer
Deadshot: Hired Gun
Cyborg: Vic Stone
Cheetah: Avatar of the Hunt
Robin: Damian Wayne
Lobo: The Main Man
Hawkgirl: Champion of Thanagar
Star Sapphire: Carol Ferris
Red Robin: Tim Drake
Batman: World's Greatest Detective
Catwoman: The Princess of Plunder
Nightwing: The Aerial Avenger
Captain Cold: Criminal Master of Chill
Mirror Master: Roguish Reflection
Donna Troy: The First Wonder Girl
Mera: Queen of Atlantis
Mister Miracle: Scott Free
S.T.R.I.P.E.: Pat Dugan
Firestorm: The Nuclear Man
Reverse Flash: Professor Zoom
Deadshot: Suicide Squad Hitman
Killer Croc: King of the Sewers
Captain Atom: Quantum Field Man
Booster Gold: 25th Century Hero
Man-Bat: Dr. Kirk Langstrom
Talia al Ghul: Daughter of the Demon

The New Characters for September Are...

Talia al Ghul and Man-Bat arrive in September!

New Characters: September

Can you guess who these new characters are joining the DC Legends ranks in September?

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Captain Atom: The Paradox (Final Node)

Here is a list of Alliance members who have defeated the final node of the Captain Atom: The Paradox Hero Challenge, and the teams they used:



 Lord Rayner

Tigers Wood

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Sunday, August 11, 2019

PvP Arena: August 12 - August 19

Engage from the shadows!  Play the PvP Tournament this week to win Batwoman: Army of One fragments!

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Thursday, August 8, 2019

Raid Event: August 30 - September 1

Here are the featured characters for the August Raid Event:

Multiplier x5

- Sinestro: White Lantern

- Wally West: The Flash

- Booster Gold: 25th Century Hero

Multiplier x3

- Aquaman: Rider of the King Tide

- Captain Atom: Quantum Field Man

- Beast Boy: Changeling

Multiplier x2

- Arkkis Chummuck: Green Lantern of Sector 3014

- Deathstroke: The Terminator

- Wonder Woman: Champion of the Amazons

August Events

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Captain Atom: A Message Through Time (Final Node)

Here is a list of Alliance members who have defeated the final node of the Captain Atom: A Message Through Time Hero Challenge, and the teams they used:

Anonymous Dogooder



Green Arrow


Lord Rayner

Silver Fox

Tigers Wood
