A blog for United As One to use for helpful news, information and resources to help in DC Legends

Breaking News

DC Legends Is Ending

This was just posted on the DC Legends Twitter (X) account: "We've made the difficult decision to close DC Legends. As of today, th...

Monday, December 27, 2021

Monday, December 20, 2021

PvP Wraith Tournament: December 20 - December 27

The PvP Wraith Tournament has started!  Play until December 27th to win shards of Mera: Queen of Atlantis!

Saturday, December 18, 2021

January Game Update

Peacemaker: Christopher Smith and Savitar: TheSpeed Force Cultist are coming this January to join DC Legends! Along with them are January reworks: Wally West: The Flash & Captain Cold: Criminal Master of Chill.


Peacemaker is Christopher Smith, a superhero and soldier who loves peace so much, he's willing to kill for it. Originally he was a pacifist diplomat who used strictly non-lethal weapons, although over time he developed into a more violent vigilante willing to make sacrifices for the greater good.

Peacemaker fights for absolute peace leaving his enemies petrified and vulnerable to extermination.


Savitar was a pilot during the Cold War until his plane was struck by lightning. This incident left him with superhuman speed and the ability to steal kinetic energy from his environment. It also left him with such a strong faith in the Speedforce that he decided to become Savitar in honor of the Hindu God of Movement.

Savitar focuses on stealing Speed from his challengers and weakening their defenses against his powerful critical strikes.


Wally West grew up admiring Central City’s superhero, the Flash. Unbeknownst to him, the Flash’s secret identity was actually his aunt Iris West’s fiancĂ©. One summer, while going out with Barry, a lightning struck on some chemicals that spilled over Wally, granting him the same powers that a similar accident had granted to the Flash some time ago.

Since then, Wally becomes Kid Flash, the Flash’s sidekick, until the fateful day of Barry’s death. Since then, he decided to keep on the legacy and become The Flash.

Wally uses his unbreakable bond with the Speed Force to speed up his team and make himself hard to hit.


Growing up in an abusive home, the only warm spot in Leonard Snart’s heart was for his sister. Embarking on a criminal career, Snart ran afoul of the Flash but conceived of a plan to counter the hero’s incredible speed. Stealing specialized freezing technology, Snart has run afoul of the Flash on numerous occasions. Though a hardened criminal, Snart leads the Rogues and enforces a strict code that forbids unnecessary violence and killing.

With his trademark cold gun, he freezes opponents to remove their advantages, slow and stun them.


Siren: Assassin of the Deep Sea (01/03 - 01/9)
Savitar: The Speed Force Cultist (01/10 - 01/16)
Wally West: The Flash (01/17 - 01/23)
Peacemaker: Christopher Smith (01/24 - 01/30)
Captain Cold: Criminal Master of Chill (01/31 - 02/06)


Lex Luthor: Survival Support Suit
Chemo: The Deathless Doom
Huntress: The Zealous Crusader
Cheetah: Avatar of the Hunt
Green Lantern: John Stewart
Hawkgirl: Champion of Thanagar
Deadshot: Suicide Squad Hitman
Solomon Grundy: Born on a Monday
Starfire: Warrior Princess from Tamaran
Ultraman: The Man Who Steals
Guy Gardner: The Crazy One
Blackfire: Queen of Tamaran
Green Arrow: Castaway
Conner Kent: The Boy of Steel
Eclipso: Spirit of Wrath
Hippolyta: Queen of the Amazons
Nubia: Vengeful Amazon
Kyle Rayner: White Lantern
Aqualad: Kaldur'ahm
Mera: Queen of Atlantis
Captain Cold: Criminal Master of Chill
Wally West: The Flash
Aquagirl: Tula
Garth: Tempest
Savitar: The Speed Force Cultist
Peacemaker: Cristopher Smith

Thursday, December 16, 2021

New Characters: January

Can you guess which new characters are joining the DC Legends ranks in January?

Monday, December 13, 2021

Thursday, December 9, 2021

Monday, December 6, 2021

Thursday, December 2, 2021

Advent Calendar

December is here and it is time to celebrate the holiday season with an Advent Calendar!  Check your inbox daily and get a gift per day until December 24th!  Don't forget to claim it or it will be stolen by The Joker!

Have you opened the first present yet?

Saturday, November 27, 2021

December Game Update

Aquagirl: Tula and Garth: Tempest are coming this December to join DC Legends! Along with them is December rework: Aqualad: Kaldur`ahm.

Please remember that we will have only one rework during December.


Aquagirl grew up cast aside for being the illegitimate daughter of an Atlantean military leader until his half-brother Orm found her and named her Captain of The Drift. When Arthur took his place as King, he saw Tula's potential and kept her in his inner circle.

Aquagirl combines her healing and fighting powers to overcome any enemy in a fight.


Garth was born from a family exiled from their colony and followed by a prophecy that sentenced him to death due to his purple eyes. However, upon arriving at Atlantis, King Atlan gave him his favor and saw his proficiency in magic, which made him a strong ally for Aquaman.

Garth's training has specialized him in protecting his allies. Whether it be by shielding them from damage and improving their health, or by stopping the enemy from acting effectively.


Raised in a small suburb in New Mexico, Jackson Hyde never suspected that his true origin would lead him on the path to becoming a hero. Living his life avoiding large bodies of water by the request of his adoptive father, he was eventually caught up in a rainstorm, where his powers first began to manifest. At this time, his father told him his true story, and how he was the son of an Atlantean princess and a human villain. Choosing the side of justice, he joined Aquaman and took on his hero name: Aqualad.

Uses his hydrokinesis skills to weaken his opponents' attacks, while also protecting and healing his allies.


Lobo: The Main Man ( 12/06 - 12/12)
Aquagirl: Tula (12/13 - 12/19)
Aqualad: Kaldur`ahm (12/20 - 12/26)
Garth: Tempest (12/27 - 01/02)
Mera: Queen of Atlantis (01/03 - 01/09)


Cheetah: Avatar of the Hunt
Doctor Fate: Sorcerer of Nabu
Lex Luthor: Survival Support Suit
Harley Quinn: The Mad Jester
Star Sapphire: Carol Ferris
Black Adam: Khem-Adam
Hawkgirl: Champion of Thanagar
King Shark: Nanaue
Aquaman: King of Atlantis
Mera: Queen of Atlantis
Eclipso: Spirit of Wrath
John Constantine: Hellblazer
Mirror Master: Roguish Reflection
Terra: Troubled Teen Titan
Black Manta: Scourge of the Seven Seas
Killer Croc: King of the Sewers
Batman: Jace Fox
Nubia: Vengeful Amazon
Supergirl: Last Daughter of Krypton
Nightwing: The Aerial Avenger
Aqualad: Kaldur`ahm
Kyle Rayner: White Lantern
Nekron: Lord of the Unliving
Aquagirl: Tula
Garth: Tempest

Thursday, November 25, 2021

New Characters: December

Can you guess which new characters are joining the DC Legends ranks in December?

Monday, November 22, 2021

December Raid: Villain Trials Return (December 1 - December 5)

Make sure to prepare your heroes for battle in December’s upcoming Raid, "VILLAIN TRIALS RETURN”

“Why should Heroes and Scarecrow have all the fun? Jealous by the Trinity Trials and interrupted by Scarecrow's Halloween attack, villains decided to host their own games! Fight the Trinity's nemeses Ares, Brainiac, and Joker!"

Event Start: December 1st at 4:00 PM PST

Event End: December 5th at 4:00 PM PST

Featured characters:

Multiplier x5

Conner Kent: The Boy of Steel

Doomsday: The Ultimate

Nekron: Lord of the Unliving

Multiplier x3

Beast Boy: Changeling

Hawkgirl: Champion of Thanagar

Kyle Rayner: White Lantern

Multiplier x2

Nightwing: The Aerial Avenger

Supergirl: Last Daughter of Krypton

Saint Walker: Lantern of Hope

Thursday, November 18, 2021

No November Raid!

Reeves just confirmed to SilverFox through Reddit that the Raid will begin at reset on December 1.  Which means the bonus toons will be announced next week, which is the week of the American Thanksgiving.

Thursday, November 11, 2021

December Information

Per Reeves, there will only be one respec in December instead of the usual two.  This decision was taken in order to have the needed time to make a major bug fix update to fix a large number of issues that have been interfering with our game experience.

Since there will only be three new / reworked characters in December, Big Barda will be sold as an extra character of December's Monthly Characters Shop Pack.

Saturday, October 23, 2021

November Game Update

Kyle Rayner: White Lantern and Nekron: Lord of the Unliving are coming this November to join DC Legends! Along with them are the community choices for November reworks: Nightwing: & Supergirl: Last Daughter of Krypton. And, since we are celebrating our 5th Anniversary in November, we will have a third rework! Superman: Man of Steel!


Years after leaving his life as a comic book artist to become the only Green Lantern, Kyle Rayner was simultaneously chosen by 6 other rings, one of each corps. He couldn't contain all this power and the rings broke, so Kyle got the help of Carol Ferris and traveled the universe until he became able to harness all emotions and turned his own ring into a White Lantern ring.

Kyle Rayner harnessed the White Lantern power by himself, making him a self-made master of the emotional spectrum. He focuses on stabilizing the chances in favor of his team by neutralizing enemy advantages and protecting allies from negative influences.


Nekron is the embodiment of death and darkness. He has the power to take and restore life as he pleases, contributing to the reanimation of many heroes in the past. Nekron has also recently become the leader and creator of the Black Lantern Corps, making Nekron the harbinger of the Blackest Night

Nekron uses his power to take advantage of the death that surrounds him and dictates who lives and who dies.


Born to a circus family, Dick was the youngest and most talented acrobat of the Flying Graysons. But after his family was murdered, Dick came to the attention of Bruce Wayne who recognized the boy’s grief and determination. Taking him under his wing, Dick was trained to fight crime as Robin, protĂ©gĂ© to Batman. After years as a sidekick though, Grayson needed to be a hero on his own terms. Now he flies through the air with the greatest of ease as Nightwing.

With amazing agility, he delivers acrobatic strikes against opponents and comes to the assistance of stealthy teammates.


Escaping Krypton’s destruction, Kara was raised in the colony city of Argo with her family until Argo too was threatened. Sent to Earth-like her cousin Superman, Kara’s rocket landed years after Superman. With her adopted Earth family, Kara Kent now copes with adjusting to a new world, a set of unfamiliar superpowers, and all the teenage anxieties that come with growing up in the shadow of the most famous hero on the planet.

Kara Zor-El has all the awesome powers of her Kryptonian cousin Superman but with the impulsivity and uncertainties of a teenager.


Escaping the doomed planet of Krypton as an infant, Kal-El rocketed across the universe to land in the most unlikely of places, Kansas on Earth. Being raised under a yellow sun gave him unparalleled superhuman powers while being raised by the kindly Kent family gave him an unequaled sense of duty, decency, and hope. As a reporter for the Daily Planet, Clark Kent uses the power of the press to fight for the citizens of Metropolis while as Superman he uses his powers to protect the people of the world

Uses solar energy for super-strength to protect his team and disable opponents with potent heat vision.


Wonder Woman: Princess of Themyscira ( 11/01 - 11/07)
Kyle Rayner: White Lantern (11/08 - 11/14)
Nightwing: The Aerial Avenger (11/15 - 11/21)
Nekron: Lord of the Unliving (11/22 - 11/28)
Supergirl: Last Daughter of Kyrpton (11/29 - 12/05)


Cheetah: Avatar of the Hunt
Star Sapphire: Carol Ferris
Chemo: The Deathless Doom
Bane: Venom Addict
Black Adam: Khem-Adam
Doctor Fate: Sorcerer of Nabu
Green Lantern: John Stewart
Atom: The World's Smallest Hero
Deadman: Wandering Spirit
Alan Scott: Keeper of the Starheart
Black Hand: The Embodiment of Death
Eclipso: Spirit of Wrath
Guy Gardner: The Crazy One
Jessica Cruz: Green Lantern Co-Defender of Earth
Deadshot: Suicide Squad Hitman
King Shark: Nanaue
Bloodsport: Robert DuBois
Spoiler: Stephanie Brown
Aquaman King of Atlantis
Doctor Poison: Master of the Toxic
Nightwing: The Aerial Avenger
Supergirl: Last Daughter of Krypton
Nubia: Vengeful Amazon
Yara Flor: Future State Wonder Woman
Kyle Rayner: White Lantern
Nekron: Lord of the Unliving

Friday, October 22, 2021

Thursday, October 21, 2021

New Characters: November

Can you guess which new characters are joining the DC Legends ranks in November?

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

October Raid: Demonic Conqueror (October 27 - October 31)

Make sure to prepare your heroes for battle in October’s upcoming Raid, "Demonic Conqueror”.

Despite their best efforts, the Justice League has been unable to locate Trigon for years, until recently. He has been building an army of demons to help him conquer all dimensions. Their power is reaching a critical point before anyone is able to contain it.

Event Start: October 27th at 5:00 PM PDT

Event End: October 31st at 5:00 PM PDT

Featured characters:

Multiplier x5

Ravager: Rose Wilson
Starfire: Warrior Princess from Tamaran
Yara Flor: Future State Wonder Woman

Multiplier x3

Nubia: Vengeful Amazon
Bleez: Red Lantern of Sector 33
Shazam: Billy Batson

Multiplier x2

Doctor Poison: Master of the Toxic
Batman Beyond: Terry McGinnis
Aquaman: King of Atlantis

Saturday, September 25, 2021

October Game Update

Yara Flor: Future State Wonder Woman and Nubia: Vengeful Amazon are coming this October to join DC Legends! Along with them are October reworks: Doctor Poison: Master of the Toxic & Aquaman: King of Atlantis.


Yara Flor from the tribe of the Amazons of the Amazon is the new Wonder Woman, who, in the absence of Princess Diana, came out of obscurity from the heart of the Amazon Rainforest in Brazil to protect Man’s World from the magic that is within it. Accompanying her is her winged steed, Jerry, and her friend, a forest guardian spirit, Caipora. Yara set off on a journey to the Underworld to rescue one of her Amazonian sisters from Hades grasp

Yara Flor destroys the will of her enemies by becoming an Amazon with a strength that no one is able to stop


Nubia was created by Queen Hippolyta but kidnapped by Ares from a young age, she fought for her freedom and seeks to take vengeance on her former captor.

Nubia is a highly trained warrior. She uses her power to destabilize her enemies and keep her allies grounded.


A mysterious mercenary scientist and expert in all toxins and poisons, Maru is known as Doctor Poison thanks to her devotion to toxic chemicals. Though terribly scarred by her own twisted experiments, this has not stopped her from pursuing the most deadly and corrosive compound ever used on the battlefield. Partnering with dark and dangerous forces to pursue her poisonous perfection, she is truly a mad scientist.

Though able to aid and heal her team, she is at her best when dosing enemies with deadly long-lasting toxins


The son of a humble lighthouse keeper, Arthur Curry believed he was a normal boy until his mother, on her deathbed, revealed that she was the exiled Queen of the undersea kingdom of Atlantis. As he matured, Arthur discovered his remarkable ability to endure the deepest ocean depths and communicate with all sea life, leading him to eventually claim his crown as the rightful King of Atlantis. Now, he bears the enormous responsibility of leading an undersea nation as well as safeguarding three-quarters of the planet.

Incredibly tough and durable, able to protect his team from attacks and wield his mystical trident with devastating effect.


Aquaman: King of Atlantis ( 10/4 - 10/10)
Nubia: Vengeful Amazon (10/11 - 10/17)
Doctor Poison: Master of the Toxic (10/18 - 10/24)
Yara Flor: Future State Wonder Woman (10/25 - 10/31)


Bane: Venom Addict
Huntress: The Zealous Crusader
Cheetah: Avatar of the Hunt
Cyborg: Vic Stone
Beast Boy: Changeling
Artemis: The Shim'Tar
Wonder Woman: Princess of Themyscira
Green Lantern: John Stewart
Azrael: The Avenging Angel
Black Manta: Scourge of the Seven Seas
Booster Gold: 25th Century Hero
Hawk: The Avatar of War
Hippolyta: Queen of the Amazons
Mary Shazam: Earth's Mightiest Girl
Larfleeze: Agent Orange
Martian Manhunter: Last of the Martians
Steel: John Henry Irons
Bloodsport: Robert DuBois
Two-Face: Duke of Duality
Riddler: The Prince of Puzzles
Aquaman King of Atlantis
Doctor Poison: Master of the Toxic
Spoiler: Stephanie Brown
Batman: Jace Fox
Nubia: Vengeful Amazon
Yara Flor: Future State Wonder Woman

Friday, September 24, 2021

Thursday, September 23, 2021

New Characters: October

Can you guess which new characters are joining the DC Legends ranks in October?

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

September Raid: Return of the Nightmare (September 29 - October 3)

Make sure to prepare your heroes for battle in September’s upcoming Raid, "Return of the Nightmare”

It's that time of the year again, when Scarecrow terrifies our Heroes and Villains with tormenting nightmares. Together with your Alliance, defeat these nightmares and fear itself!

Event Start: September 29th at 5:00 PM PDT

Event End: October 3rd at 5:00 PM PDT

Featured characters:

Multiplier x5

Batman: Jace Fox
Supergirl: Last Daughter of Krypton
Hippolyta: Queen of the Amazons

Multiplier x3

Spoiler: Stephanie Brown
Indigo-1: The Light of Compassion
Ocean Master: King Orm

Multiplier x2

Two-Face: Duke of Duality
Riddler: The Prince of Puzzles
Alan Scott: Keeper of the Starheart

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Batman Day Event

There is a Batman Day event that will take place this Friday!

The Joker has spread a toxin all over Gotham. Prepare your heroes and fight the Gotham villains to stop the toxin from spreading!

For this special event, you will only be able to select specific Batman-related characters!

Event Start: September 17th at 5:00 PM PST

Event End: September 19th at 5:00 PM PST

Eligible character list:

Azrael: The Avenging Angel
Batgirl: #BatgirlOfBurnside
Batman: Caped CrusaderBatman: Jace Fox
Batman: The Dark Knight
Batman: World’s Greatest Detective
Batwoman: Army of One
Cassandra Cain: The One Who is All
Catwoman: The Princess of Plunder
Nightwing: The Aerial Avenger
Red Hood: Vengeful Vigilante
Red Robin: Tim Drake
Robin: Damian Wayne
Spoiler: Stephanie Brown

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Saturday, August 21, 2021

September Game Update

atman: Jace Fox and Spoiler: Stephanie Brown are coming this September to join DC Legends! Along with them are SepTember reworks: Riddler and Two-Face: Duke of Duality.


TiMothy "JAce" Fox is the eldest son of Lucius Fox, WayNe Enterprises' President and CEO. After a tragic hit-and-run accident and being sent away, JAce's return home to a whole new Gotham sets off a chain of unexPected evEnts that ultimately compels him into becoming the next Batman

The estrangeD son of Lucius Fox who took on the mantle of the new Batman. He uses his gadgets to lure and taunt his enemies while analyzing their movements to attack them back.


Stephanie grew up ignorant of her father's identity as the villain Cluemaster, until she walks in on him plotting one of his plans with his men. She flees heR home and goes on to join Cassandra Cain as a member of the Batgirls.

Spoiler seeks to sUrround herself with highly intelligent allieS. She is a team player, focused on supporting her team while At the same time using them to conceal her presence.


EdwarD Nashton was born an inquisitive and incredibly smart child. As an adult he found out his genius was not being used to its full extent, so hE chose to turn to crime and use it for his own advantage. Causing mayhem in Gotham with his puzzling cRimes and indecipherable murders, he became the Riddler. His clever feats were so baffling that it required the world's greatest detective to catch him and commit him into Arkham Asylum.

Uses his superior intellect to demoralize and weaken his foes with puzzling debuffs


While the Dark Knight protected Gotham at night, during the day D.A. Harvey Dent served as its White Knight. An important ally of both Batman and Commissioner Gordon, he was targeted by a mob boss who threw acid onto the left side of his face, scarring him for life. This incident drove Harvey insane, becoming the criminal mastermind Two-Face. Obsessed with chance, he always carries a double-headed coin, which he uses to determine his every decision.

Lowers the enemies' luck or increases his team's, depending on which side is in control.


Riddler: The Prince of Puzzles ( 9/6 - 9/12)
Spoiler: Stephanie Brown (9/13-9/19)
Two-Face: Duke of Duality (9/20-9/26)
Batman: Jace Fox (9/27 - 10/03)


Chemo: The Deathless Doom
Cheetah: Avatar of the Hunt
Harley Quinn: The Mad Jester
Huntress: The Zealous Crusader
Black Adam: Khem-Adam
Hawkgirl: Champion of Thanagar
Talia al Ghul: Daughter of the Demon
Scarecrow: Master of Fear
Red Tornado: The Tornado Champion
Swamp Thing: Champion of the Green
Batman: The Dark Knight
Jessica Cruz: Green Lantern Co-Defender of Earth
Azrael: The Avenging Angel
Batman Who Laughs: Twisted Dark Knight
Joker: The Clown Prince of Crime
Cassandra Cain: The One Who Is All
Jericho: Joseph Wilson
Steel: John Henry Irons
Spectre: Spirit of Vengeance
Stargirl: Wielder of the Cosmic Staff
Two-Face: Duke of Duality
Riddler: The Prince of Puzzles
Bloodsport: Robert DuBois
King Shark: Nanaue
Spoiler: Stephanie Brown
Batman: Jace Fox

Thursday, August 19, 2021

New Characters: September

Can you guess which new characters are joining the DC Legends ranks in September?

August Raid: The Dark God's Vengeance (August 25 - August 29)

Make sure to prepare your heroes for battle in August's upcoming Raid, “The Dark God’s Vengeance”!

“Darkseid is back! Followed by his trusted general Steppenwolf and the mind-controlled New Gods! Coordinate with your Alliance to liberate Big Barda and Mister Miracle!"

Event Start: August 25th at 5:00 PM PDT

Event End: August 29th at 5:00 PM PDT

Featured characters:

Multiplier x5

King Shark: Nanaue
Riddler: The Prince of Puzzles
Freddy Shazam: Earth's Mightiest Boy

Multiplier x3

Mirror Master: Roguish Reflection
Bloodsport: Robert DuBois
Blue Beetle: Jaime Reyes

Multiplier x2

Green Arrow: Castaway
Stargirl: Wielder of The Cosmic Staff
Spectre: Spirit of Vengeance

Sunday, July 25, 2021

August Game Update

King Shark: Nanaue and Bloodsport: Robert DuBois are coming this August to join DC Legends! Along with them are August reworks:Spectre: Spirit of Vengeance and Stargirl.


Nanaue is the offspring of the Hawaiian shark deity Kamo. After Kamo was captured on a tropical island by Amanda Waller, she also took one of his offspring with her before destroying the island, assuming that the child would be easier to control than the father. The child was Nanaue, who was raised by Waller in laboratory conditions and grew at an extremely fast rate. Nanaue at some point made it to Atlantis, where he hoped to become the next big crime boss

King Shark uses its sharp teeth to inflict serious injuries on enemies and then take advantage of them by generating a taste for blood.


When Robert DuBois was drafted to serve in the Vietnam War, fear of death took a hold of him, and he decided to flee to Canada. His younger brother Michael enlisted in his place, losing his arms and legs during battle. Guilt from these events left Robert a broken man, obsessed with war and violence.

Bloodsport uses a wide arrange of fire guns to make the enemy vulnerable and finish them off.


One day, looking through her stepfather's belongings, young girl Courtney Whitmore discovers a mysterious cosmic converter belt and the truth about him and his former life as a superhero. Courtney decides to craft her own superhero suit and put on the belt that gives her new special abilities to fight along with her stepfather and his S.T.R.I.P.E. armor

Making preparations for his retirement, Jack Night gives Courtney the Cosmic Staff, a powerful weapon full of absorbed stellar energy that gives her numerous abilities. From that moment, Courtney assumes the identity of Stargirl.

Stargirl, the young heroine that uses the power of the stars to diminish the strength of her enemies.


Jim Corrigan was a policeman who was killed by a gang of criminals, his body placed in a barrel filled with cement, then dumped into a river. After his death, his soul wandered in the Limbo, where he was bound with a spiritual force named the Spirit of Vengeance, whose mission is to confront evil wherever he is. After this union, Jim Corrigan returns to the world of the living and adopts the identity of Spectre.

Since then he has been responsible for distributing justice as an agent of The Presence to all those who commit terrible crimes.

Spectre uses his divine abilities to purge buffs from enemies, increase his intelligence and deal great amounts of special damage.


Kilowog: Green Lantern of Sector 674 ( 8/2 - 8/8)
Bloodsport: Robert DuBois (8/9-8/15)
Spectre: Spirit of Vengeance (8/16-8/22)
King Shark: Nanaue (8/23 - 8/29)
Stargirl: Wielder of the Cosmic Staff (8/30 - 9/5)


Chemo: The Deathless Doom
Cyborg: Vic Stone
Cheetah: Avatar of the Hunt
Bane: Venom Addict
Green Lantern: John Stewart
Hawkgirl: Champion of Thanagar
Doctor Fate: Sorcerer of Nabu
Arsenal: Roy Harper
Blackfire: Queen of Tamaran
Guy Gardner: The Crazy One
Killer Frost: Dr. Caitlin Snow
Power Girl: Last Daughter of Earth-2
Red Robin: Tim Drake
Scarecrow: Master of Fear
Vixen: Avatar of the Animal Kingdom
King Shazam: The Infected
Jericho: Joseph Wilson
General Zod: Kryptonian Warmonger
Ultraman: The Man Who Steals
Spectre: Spirit of Vengeance
Stargirl: Wielder of the Cosmic Staff
Steel: John Henry Irons
Eradicator: Last Son of Krypton
Bloodsport: Robert DuBois
King Shark: Nanaue

Friday, July 23, 2021

New Characters: August

Can you guess which new characters are joining the DC Legends rank in August?

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

July Raid: Return to Trinity Trials (July 28 - August 1)

Make sure to prepare your heroes for battle in July’s upcoming Raid, "Return to Trinity Trials”.

Empowered by a mystical force, the Trinity is ready to measure the might of your heroes, to prepare for new threats. Test your strength against Batman, Wonder Woman and Superman!

Event Start: July 28th at 5:00 PM PDT

Event End: August 1st at 5:00 PM PDT

Featured characters:

Multiplier x5

Huntress: The Zealous Crusader
Eradicator: Last Son of Krypton
Black Hand: The Embodiment of Death

Multiplier x3

Giganta: Colossal Criminal
Steel: John Henry Irons
Katana: Samurai Warrior

Multiplier x2

Catwoman: The Princess of Plunder
General Zod: Kryptonian Warmonger
Ultraman: The Man Who Steals

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Nightmare Challenge: July

In this month’s 3-day event, players from Level 50 and above can prove that their team is the strongest in the universe by defeating multiple waves of Heroes and Villains to get amazing rewards!

The information for July’s Nightmare challenge is the following:

Start Date: July 15th at 5:00 PDT.

End Date: July 18th at 5:00 PDT.

Bonus Characters:


These characters will receive a 250% HP bonus for participating!

Saturday, June 26, 2021

July Game Update

Steel: John Henry Irons and Eradicator: Last Son of Krypton join DC Legends! Along with them are July reworks: General Zod: Kryptonian Warmonger and Ultraman: The Man Who Steals.


John Henry Irons firmly believes Superman's presence is a necessity for the well-being of Earth. So when the Kryptonian hero is defeated by Doomsday, the engineer resorts to what he does best and builds a mechanized suit that holds all of Superman's physical abilities. Determined to serve as a new protector, he takes his sledgehammer and jumps into action.

Born as a replacement for Superman, Steel is primarily a protector. He focuses harm to himself, diffusing it by shielding. He's also a slow, but heavy hitter, using critical damage to tilt the battle in his favor.


The Eradicator is a machine of Kryptonian design, built to preserve the world of Krypton and protect it from outside influences by destroying whatever is deemed as an intruder. Thousands of years later, it arrived on Earth, attempting to turn it into a copy of its birthplace.

The Eradicator is a cyborg weapon built for the protection of his allies, but also a deadly weapon that can annihilate his enemies.


In an alternate universe, Kal-Il was despised by his Kryptonian parents for being weak. Escaping Krypton's destruction, he arrived on Earth and forced the Kents to raise him until he had no more use for them. Becoming Ultraman, Kal-Il and other supervillains formed the Crime Syndicate and took over the world. When he found out about the multiverse, he set his eyes on conquering Superman's universe, coming face to face with the Justice League.

Ultraman attracts attention so he can transfer Debuffs to enemies when he attacks back, also helping teammates do the same.


On the brink of Krypton’s destruction, General Dru-Zod attempted to seize power in a desperate effort to save its people. For his rebellion, Zod and his followers were sentenced to death, but Jor-El convinced the Council to exile them to the Phantom Zone instead. Now free from his extra-dimensional prison, Zod seeks vengeance on Superman, the son of his enemy Jor-El, while he searches for a suitable planet to forge into a New Krypton.

Zod damages evaders directly using his speed and cunning, hitting them fast and hard.


Ultraman: The Man Who Steals (07/05 - 07/11)
Steel: John Henry Irons (07/12 - 07/18)
General Zod: Kryptonian Warmonger (07/19 - 07/25)
Eradicator: The Last Son of Krypton (07/26 - 08/01)


Chemo: The Deathless Doom
Lex Luthor: Survival Support Suit
Cheetah: Avatar of the Hunt
Huntress: The Zealous Crusader
Green Lantern: John Stewart
Hawkgirl: Champion of Thanagar
Star Sapphire: Carol Ferris
Metallo: Cybernetic Criminal
Bizarro: No. 1
Cyborg Superman: Man-Machine of Steel
Superman: Man of Steel
Superboy: Jon Kent
Parasite: Absorption Freak
Silver Banshee: Wailing Wretch
Conner Kent: The Boy of Steel
Superwoman: Earth 3 Lois Lane
Dove: The Avatar of Peace
King Shazam: The Infected
Terra: Troubled Teen Titan
Starfire: Warrior Princess from Tamaran
Ultraman: The Man Who Steals
General Zod: Kryptonian Warmonger
Jericho: Joseph Wilson
Blackfire: Queen of Tamaran
Steel: John Henry Irons
Eradicator: The Last Son of Krypton

Thursday, June 24, 2021

New Characters: July

Can you guess which new characters are joining the DC Legends ranks in July?

June Raid: Back to Altering Reality (June 30 - July 4)

Make sure to prepare your heroes for battle in June’s upcoming raid, “Back to Altering Reality”

Strange ripples have spread across the fiber of reality, causing numerous events to trigger all over the universe! Gather your strongest heroes to fight against the only being powerful enough to cause this event: Superboy Prime!

Event Start: June 30th at 5:00 PM PDT

Event End: July 4th at 5:00 PM PDT

Featured characters:

Multiplier x5

Metallo: Cybernetic Criminal
Blackfire: Queen of Tamaran
Ares: God of War

Multiplier x3

Atom: The World's Smallest Hero
Starfire: Warrior Princess from Tamaran
Jericho: Joseph Wilson

Multiplier x2

Deadshot: Hired Gun
Terra: Troubled Teen Titan
Spectre: Spirit of Vengeance

Thursday, June 17, 2021

Nightmare Challenge: June

In this month’s 3-day event, players from Level 50 and above can prove that their team is the strongest in the universe by defeating multiple waves of Heroes and Villains to get amazing rewards!

The information for June’s Nightmare challenge is the following:

Start Date: June 17th at 5:00 PDT.

End Date: June 20th at 5:00 PDT.

Bonus Characters:



The Batman Who Laughs

King Shazam

These characters will receive a 250% HP bonus for participating!

Saturday, May 29, 2021

June Game Update

Blackfire: Queen of Tamaran and Jericho: Joseph Wilson join DC Legends! Along with them are June reworks: Starfire: Warrior Princess of Tamaran and Terra: Troubled Teen Titan.


Komand'r is the oldest child of the Tamaranean royal family. She is the first princess born in 100 years and as such was showered with gifts, honors, and privileges. On the day Komand'r was born, the Citadel Empire attacked the western part of Tamaran and killed 3000 citizens in her name. Though she was in no way at fault, Komand'r is forever inextricably linked to that horrible day.

Blackfire uses stellar energy to deplete her enemies shields and defenses, exposing them to devastating attacks.


Jericho was defined by his family from early childhood, as the youngest son of notorious villain Deathstroke. During his infancy, he was attacked and rendered mute by a terrorist looking for his father. During his teenage years, Jericho manifested the power of possessing others, which led him to join the ranks of the Teen Titans.

When Jericho possesses an enemy, he renders them stunned and causes the hits to focus on them. But as a pacifist, some of his focus is dedicated to protecting and buffing the rest of his team.


Koriand'r was born a princess on the planet Tamaran. When her home was threatened by their enemy, the Citadel, she was betrayed by her sister and sold into slavery to appease them. Eventually escaping her captors, Koriand'r found a new home on Earth and a new family in the Teen Titans. With her ability to absorb ultraviolet radiation and unleash powerful star bolts, she defends her friends in her new world.

Sold into slavery to save her planet, Princess Koriand'r now calls Earth her home and defends it with her powerful star bolts!


The illegitimate daughter of the King of Markovia, Tara inherited the ability to control all earthen matter. But while her half-brother was raised as a super-hero, Tara had a more troubled upbringing estranged from her family. She fell in with the mercenary Deathstroke and was used by him as an agent within the Teen Titans. With divided loyalties and psychological trauma, Tara is a dangerous enemy and an even more treacherous ally.

Unbalances enemies to make them easier to attack then delivers crushing attacks against both her foes and friends.


Terra: Troubled Teen Titan (06/07 - 06/13)
Jericho: Joseph Wilson (06/14 - 06/20)
Starfire: Warrior Princess of Tamaran (06/21 - 06/27)
Blackfire: Queen of Tamaran (06/28 - 07/04)


Cheetah: Avatar of the Hunt
Wonder Woman: Princess of Themyscira
Cyborg: Vic Stone
Bane: Venom Addict
Doctor Fate: Sorcerer of Nabu
Star Sapphire: Carol Ferris
Green Lantern: John Stewart
Huntress: The Zealous Crusader
Deadman: Wandering Spirit
Katana: Samurai Warrior
Swamp Thing: Champion of the Green
Darkseid: God of Evil
Nightwing: The Aerial Avenger
Deathstroke: The Terminator
Impulse: Bart Allen
Guy Gardner: The Crazy One
Superwoman: Earth 3 Lois Lane
Dove: The Avatar of Peace
Bizarro: No. 1
Big Barda: Greatest Warrior of Apokolips
Terra: Troubled Teen Titan
Starfire: Warrior Princess from Tamaran
King Shazam: The Infected
Batman Who Laughs: Twisted Dark Knight
Jericho: Joseph Wilson
Blackfire: Princess of Tamaran

Friday, May 28, 2021

Thursday, May 27, 2021

New Characters: June

Can you guess which new characters are joining the DC Legends ranks in June?

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

May Raid: Villains Trials Return (June 2 - June 6)

Make sure to prepare your heroes for battle in May's upcoming Raid, "Villains Trials Return”.

Why should Heroes and Scarecrow have all the fun? Jealous by the Trinity Trials and interrupted by Scarecrow's Halloween attack, villains decided to host their own games! Fight the Trinity's nemeses Ares, Brainiac, and Joker!

Event Start: June 2nd at 5:00 PM PDT

Event End: June 6th at 5:00 PM PST

Featured characters:

Multiplier x5

Batman Who Laughs: Twisted Dark Knight
Heat Wave: The Pyromaniac
John Constantine: Hellblazer

Multiplier x3

Lex Luthor: Assault Warsuit
Larfleeze: Agent Orange
King Shazam: The Infected

Multiplier x2

Big Barda: Greatest Warrior of Apokolips
Bizarro: No. 1
Vandal Savage: Vandar Adg

Thursday, May 13, 2021

Nightmare Challenge: May

In this month’s 3-day event, players from Level 50 and above can prove that their team is the strongest in the universe by defeating multiple waves of Heroes and Villains to get amazing rewards!

The information for May’s Nightmare challenge is the following:

Start Date: May 20th at 5:00 PDT.

End Date: May 23th at 5:00 PDT.

Bonus Characters:

Hawk: The Avatar of War

Dove: The Avatar of Peace

Batman Who Laughs: Twisted Dark Knight

King Shazam: The Infected

These characters will receive a 250% HP bonus for participating!

Saturday, April 24, 2021

May Game Update

King Shazam: The Infected and Batman Who Laughs: Twisted Dark Knight join DC Legends! Along with them are May reworks: Bizarro: No. 1 and Big Barda: Greatest Warrior of Apokolips.


Billy Batson is a good kid. He helps his friends, loves his family, and tries to do the right thing. But he faced one of the most dangerous serial killers in existence: The Batman Who Laughs, who infected him, this event turned Billy into a corrupted version of himself, and now he uses the powers of Shazam to spread the venom of madness.

King Shazam attracts his enemies to infect them with powerful toxins that diminish their life and strength.


Bruce Wayne from Earth-22 was subject to hell on earth after Joker forced him to watch as he intercepted families on their way out of the theater and killed the parents, infecting the kids with the Joker Toxin. Batman, in a fit of rage, killed the Joker, exposing himself to an undiluted variant of the Toxin.

The Batman Who Laughs merges Batman’s skill set and Joker’s morals. He overwhelms the enemy with critical strikes and quickly follows up his kills with an attack to his next prey.


The tragically flawed product of an experiment to duplicate the Man of Steel, Bizarro is a mirror image of Superman and opposite in almost every way - except for being vastly powerful. Approaching everything in reverse, the simplistic Bizarro clashed with the Man of Steel on numerous occasions until his odd adventures led him to settle on a strange cube-shaped planet orbiting a blue sun where he is that reverse world’s greatest hero.

Super strong and tough, has ‘reverse’ powers of ice vision and heat breath.


Born in Apokolips, Big Barda was recruited for military training at a very young age. She became the best warrior of her generation and thus was appointed as the leader of the Female Furies, the personal guard of Darkseid. During her time leading this group, she met the New Genesian Scott Free, who ended up being key to her redemption and her defection from Apokolips. She later settled on Earth together with Scott, where she joined other superheroes in their fight for justice.

Big Barda draws the attention of the enemy team while increasing her whole team's health to withstand heavy attacks.


Steppenwolf: General of Apokolips (05/03 - 05/09)
King Shazam: The Infected (05/10 - 05/16)
Big Barda: Greatest Warrior of Apokolips (05/17 - 05/23)
Batman Who Laughs: Twisted Dark Knight (05/24 - 05/30)
Bizarro: No. 1 (05/31 - 06/06)


Cheetah: Avatar of the Hunt
Star Sapphire: Carol Ferris
Cyborg: Vic Stone
Harley Quinn: The Mad Jester
Black Adam: Khem-Adam
Solomon Grundy: Born on a Monday
Hawkgirl: Champion of Thanagar
Red Robin: Tim Drake
Ares: God of War
Mary Shazam: Earth's Mightiest Girl
Shazam: Billy Batson
Deadman: Wandering Spirit
Superman: Man of Steel
Superboy: Jon Kent
Nightwing: The Aerial Avenger
Joker: The Clown Prince of Crime
Bleez: Red Lantern of Sector 33
Darkseid: God of Evil
Deathstroke: The Terminator
Blue Beetle: Jaime Reyes
Bizarro: No. 1
Big Barda: Greatest Warrior of Apokolips
Dove: The Avatar of Peace
Hawk: The Avatar of War
King Shazam: The Infected
Batman Who Laughs: Twisted Dark Knight

Friday, April 23, 2021

Thursday, April 22, 2021

New Characters: May

Can you guess which characters are joining the DC Legends ranks in May?

If the red character is who I think it is, I'm going to be one very happy person.  I've been asking for this character to be in the game from the moment he first appeared in the comics!

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

April Raid: Return of the Black Lanterns (April 28 - May 2)

Make sure to prepare your heroes for battle in April’s upcoming Raid, "Return of The Black Lanterns”.

Nekron has returned once more, along with his corrupted Lanterns! Coordinate with your Alliance to save the Lanterns and bring Nekron down!

Event Start: April 28th at 5:00 PM PDT

Event End: May 2nd at 5:00 PM PST

Featured characters:

Multiplier x5

Hawk: The Avatar of War
Medphyll: Green Lantern of Sector 1287
Mary Shazam: Earth's Mightiest Girl

Multiplier x3

Dove: The Avatar of Peace
Hawkman: Carter Hall
Doctor Fate: Sorcerer of Nabu

Multiplier x2

Deathstroke: The Terminator
Black Lightning: Protector of Suicide Slums
Blue Beetle: Jaime Reyes

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Nightmare Challenge: April

In this month’s 3-day event, players from Level 50 and above can prove that their team is the strongest in the universe by defeating multiple waves of Heroes and Villains to get amazing rewards!

The nightmare challenge will have some changes for this month; the first one being that the event will have 12 nodes instead of 10. The second one is that we increased the difficulty of Nightmare mode, so prepare your heroes for the task!

The information for this month’s challenge is the following:

Start Date: April 15th at 5:00 PDT.

End Date: April 18th at 5:00 PDT.

Bonus Characters:

Darkseid: God of Evil

Hawk: The Avatar of War

Dove: The Avatar of Peace

Superwoman: Earth-3 Lois Lane

These characters will receive a 250% HP bonus for participating!

Saturday, March 27, 2021

April Game Update

Hawk: The Avatar of War and Dove: The Avatar of Peace join DC Legends! Along with them are April reworks: Blue Beetle: Jaime Reyes and Deathstroke: The Terminator.


Hank Hall has always been the type to punch first and ask questions later. His impulsive personality was only countered by his brother Don's, The first Dove. But since his brother's death, he continued his work as a vigilante by himself until Dawn Granger joined him to continue Don's legacy.

Hawk is a slow but heavy hitter. His fighting style focuses on making enemies more vulnerable to his waves of damage. When Dove fights alongside him, he becomes his protector and his power is enhanced.


Dawn Granger is the second Dove, the successor of Don Hall. She is an avatar of Peace and half of Hawk and Dove. the crimefighter duo. Dawn’s level head, along with her willingness to see reason and compromise, make her the perfect counterpoint to Hank’s hair-trigger rage and stubbornness. But her measured manner should never be mistaken for weakness.

Dove uses her skills to dodge the attacks of her enemies and counterattack with great strength and agility.


Jaime was a typical teenager until he came upon the mysterious Blue Beetle scarab. Originally possessed by Dan Garrett and then Ted Kord, the parasitic scarab attached itself to Jaime’s spine. Bonding permanently with the entity, Jaime was able to tap into new powers that his predecessors never dreamed of. Though its origins are obscure, Jaime has formed an unusual ‘partnership’ with the alien creature and is now the latest hero to call himself the Blue Beetle.

Configures his armor to adapt to shielded enemies and do more damage against them.


While serving in elite covert ops unit Team 7, Slade Wilson volunteered for an experiment to create a super-soldier. The other test subjects died but Wilson’s mind and body were dramatically enhanced. After Team 7 was dissolved, an embittered Wilson used his lethal skills to become a mercenary, establishing himself as the world’s deadliest assassin. Ruthless and unscrupulous, Wilson is a killer who fulfills his contracts no matter what.

Master swordsman and marksman with enhanced physical attributes.


Blue Beetle: Jaime Reyes (04/05 - 04/11)
Dove: The Avatar of Peace (04/12 - 04/18)
Deathstroke: The Terminator (04/19 - 04/25)
Hawk: The Avatar of War (04/26 - 05/02)


Harley Quinn: The Mad Jester
Huntress: The Zealous Crusader
Cyborg: Vic Stone
Cheetah: Avatar of the Hunt
Artemis: The Shim'Tar
Conner Kent: The Boy of Steel
Hawkgirl: Champion of Thanagar
Solomon Grundy: Born on a Monday
Ravager: Rose Wilson
Beast Boy: Changeling
Green Arrow: Castaway
Lady Shiva: Sandra Wu-San
Starfire: Warrior Princess from Tamaran
Terra: Troubled Teen Titan
Aqualad: Kaldur'ahm
Raven: Daughter of Demons
Black Flash: Death of the Speed Force
Bleez: Red Lantern of Sector 33
Mister Miracle: Scott Free
Wonder Woman: Champion of the Amazons
Deathstroke: The Terminator
Blue Beetle: Jaime Reyes
Superwoman: Earth 3 Lois Lane
Darkseid: God of Evil
Dove: Avatar of Peace
Hawk: The Avatar of War

Thursday, March 25, 2021

New Characters: April

Can you guess which new characters are joining the DC Legends ranks in April?

Friday, March 19, 2021

March Raid: The Dark God's Vengeance (March 31 - April 4)

Make sure to prepare your heroes for battle in March’s upcoming raid, “The Dark God’s Vengeance” .

Darkseid is back! Followed by his trusted general Steppenwolf and the mind-controlled New Gods! Coordinate with your Alliance to liberate Big Barda and Mister Miracle!

Event Start: March 31st at 5:00 PM PDT

Event End: April 4th at 5:00 PM PDT

Featured characters:

Multiplier x5

Riddler: The Prince of Puzzles
Superman: Man of Steel
Darkseid: God of Evil

Multiplier x3

Superwoman: Earth 3 Lois Lane
Firestorm: The Nuclear Man
Eclipso: Spirit of Wrath

Multiplier x2

Robin: Damian Wayne
Mister Miracle: Scott Free
Wonder Woman: Champion of the Amazons

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Nightmare Challenge

I've got the Joy of announcing that a new game mode is coming this month!

Introducing Nightmare Challenge:

In this monthly 3-days event, players from Level 50 and above can prove that their team is the strongest in the universe by defeating multiple waves of Heroes and Villains to get amazing rewards, through all intense and exciting 10 Stages!

From March 18th at 5:00 PM PDT, and every mOnth, we will be holding the “Nightmare Challenge”, which will consist of 10 nodes with waves of 2 or 4 characters depending on the node. 

For the Nightmare challenge, we recommend you to picK a character with levEl 50+. 

Are you Ready to participate? We can’t wAit! 

The information for thiS month “NigHtmare ChallEnge” is the following: 

Start date: MaRch 18th at 5:00 PM PDT.

End date: March 21th at 5:00 PM PDT. 

Bonus Characters: 

Darkseid: God of Evil

Superwoman: Earth-3 Lois Lane

Lady Shiva: Sandra Wu-San

Bleez: Red Lantern of Sector 33

These characters will receive a 250% HP bonus for participating!

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

February Raid Delayed

Due to unfortunate circumstances regarding issues with some devices, the developers have decided to delay the February 2021 Raid Boss event for a week.

The delay not only includes the event itself but also the Store sales related to the occasion: Raid Head Start pack, Raid Squad, and the new Skin in-app purchase, which will be delayed accordingly.

New “Trinity Trial Returns” Raid Boss event dates:

Start: Wed March 3rd 4PM PST

End: Sun March 7th 4PM PST

Please check your inbox to find compensation for the inconveniences this decision may have caused.

Saturday, February 20, 2021

March Game Update

Darkseid: God of Evil and Superwoman: Earth 3 Lois Lane join DC Legends! Along with them are March reworks: Mister Miracle: Scott Free and Wonder Woman: Champion of the Amazons.


He is worshipped as the "God of Evil", the supreme monarch of the nightmare planet Apokolips. Considered as one of the Justice League's worst adversaries, the greatest enemy of New Genesis, and one of the greatest threats to all living beings in the universe, he seeks to bend everything and every one to his will and remake the cosmos in his image. The one with the name that stands above all others when it comes to supreme villainy... Darkseid

Darkseid accumulates a great amount of power by the action of his allies and enemies to become a devastating force.


Superwoman is the last Amazon from Earth-3 by her own hand. She was born, raised, and trained in combat in Damnation Island, but before leaving her home, she took the lives of her sisters. Once in the world of men, this warped counterpart of both Lois Lane and Wonder Woman married Ultraman and founded the Crime Syndicate.

Superwoman's powers are founded on top of her abilities and training as an Amazon, she's a fierce fighter who forces her enemies into submission by using bouts of critical damage.


In the last effort to end their war, the leaders of New Genesis and Apokolips traded sons. While Orion was given to the benevolent Highfather, Scott Free ended up in the hands of the God of Evil, Darkseid. Escaping torture at Granny Goodness's orphanage, Scott hid on Earth and took on the mantle of Mister Miracle. He is the greatest escape artist in the universe and uses his advanced technology to fight injustice alongside his wife, Big Barda.

Mister Miracle transfers debuffs from his team to the enemies, who can't hide from his advanced technology.


Born among the legendary Amazons of Greek myth, Princess Diana has a fierce warrior’s heart while being an emissary of peace. On a hidden island paradise, she was trained in the arts of combat as well as justice and equality. Diana ventured into the 'world of men’ armed with magical gifts from the Gods and a message for all men and women - that all the world can be united through compassion, strength, and understanding.

Skilled and powerful warrior. Wields magical weapons to defend her allies.


Mister Miracle: Scott Free (03/01 - 03/07)
Superwoman: Earth 3 Lois Lane (03/8 - 03/14)
Wonder Woman: Champion of the Amazons (03/15 - 03/21)
Darkseid: God of Evil (03/22 - 03/28)
Steppenwolf: General of Apokolips (03/29 - 04/04 )


Bane: Venom Addict
Huntress: The Zealous Crusader
Cheetah: Avatar of the Hunt
Chemo: The Deathless Doom
Owlman: Thomas Wayne, Jr.
Metallo: Cybernetic Criminal
Wonder Woman: Princess of Themyscira
Hawkgirl: Champion of Thanagar
Black Mask: The Crime King
Killer Croc: King of the Sewers
Talia al Ghul: Daughter of the Demon
Deathstroke: The Terminator
Ultraman: The Man Who Steals
Killer Frost: Dr. Caitlin Snow
Eclipso: Spirit of Wrath
Parasite: Absorption Freak
Red Tornado: The Tornado Champion
Black Flash: Death of the Speed Force
Harley Quinn: The Mad Jester
Enchantress: Possessed Witch
Wonder Woman: Champion of the Amazons
Mister Miracle: Scott Free
Bleez: Red Lantern of Sector 33
Lady Shiva: Sandra Wu-San
Superwoman: Earth 3 Lois Lane
Darkseid: God of Evil